The chief problem is the food

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It's been a week and the food is starting to run out. I'd forgotten how good a box of dry Cheerios could be. I see people feeding them to their children, and I wonder what the excitment is about, but I'm here to tell you that they're delicious. I'm probably going to die. Woops. That's not the sort of thinking that gets you moving. Aren't there always survivors in this kind of story? Where the fuck are all the people waving American flags and talking about keeping on the human race. Bernice and I probably should have messed around. I know it's a terrible thing to say and all, but someone has to take some responsibility for the species. 

I'm upstairs now, packing everything into a gym bag, which is impractical. I've been impractical my whole life and now I'm going to be eaten by zombies. Effing ZA. I never got to join a bowling league. I don't think there will be bowling leagues forming anytime soon. I think I could have been really good at bowling. From the window I can see a hummingbird, maniacally waving its wings in front of a flower. The whole trope of focusing on zombies and humans and zombies and humans is overplayed, right? Look how much is still happening. Look at that hummingbird. Just look at him. It's beautiful. 

The sun is an orange disk on a blank horizon. From my upstairs window the sunset is beautiful. A couple of zombies are wandering down the street in a vague sort of stupor. I'd like to get drunk with them if I could, but I don't think zombies drink. They are perpetual drunks. What do you need out on the open road? I'm taking my shovel, a couple of shirts, a second pair of pants, most of my First Aid kit, an extra pair of shoes and two pairs of socks and some underwear. This duffel bag is going to be a bitch to carry but what else am I supposed to do? 

I don't know whether I need water or not. I suppose I can hole up in someone's house if I need to grab some water or food. There is at least some question of where I'm going. I think I'm headed west because west is always where things are better. My car is still running and when the street clears of zombies I'm going to go get it, and I'm going on a road trip. 

The last road trip that I was on before the ZA was to spread my father's ashes. We were dropping them in ten different states, my brother and I. I can't really remember why. 

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