Undead, Awake

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Tripping down to the lake, her white silk dress flowed in the wind behind her, creating beautiful ripples. She smoothed it down and continued to run faster. She was moving faster than light in her own mind, seeing beautiful colours as she ran.

She paused for a minute to take in greedy lungfulls of the fresh, crisp air.

To her left, an old gnarly tree, a name carved into it.. "hannah" it was her name, but it wasn't familiar now.

To her right, the bridge that she had spent her childhood playing on.

She paced slowly towards the right, feeling every emotion flowing back from those days, that she didn't want to remember.

Tracing her fingers across the now crumbling stonework, where once stood a shiny, marblescent bridge.

She felt herself start to breathe heavily, and the tears started to well in her eyes.

Staring down at her body, she scanned over the scars with her eyes, watching as they danced and dissapeared as her eyes blurred.

A voice called out to her.

She span around, half expecting to see her, but knowing it was impossible.

A soft wind blew across her face, ruffling her soft white curls.

Suddenly a light flashed. A loud noise was heard, and then darkness.


When she awoke, she heard footsteps.

Not soft and pattering, like she was used to hearing, but loud, heavy steps, coming towards her.

A strong hand grabbed her, and seemed to be trying to make her stand, she stayed limp, lifeless.

''She awake?'' a loud voice called out, she shivered in complete silence, her muscles tensing.

''She's still out cold'' A softer, more feminine voice replied, dropping her back to the freezing ground.

She decided to brave opening her eyes, as her vision slowly returned to her, two shapes blurred into sight.

A slender, tall figure stood nearest to her, while over the other side of what looked to be a very large underground cave, stood a dumpy, shorter figure, he looked to be the tougher of the two.

She scanned the room, looking for an exit, a way out, or maybe even just a hint of light.


The whole room was still, her body stiff with fear.

As the feeling started to return to her, she felt the scars among her body twinge

The cold ripped through her, like a scalpel through flesh.

A burning sensation ran through her lower back, making it hard for her to think about anything.

The two figures were leaving the room now, giving her just enough chance to run her fingers down her spine, and find the source of the excruciating pain.

Something sharp, digging into her, it felt like claws, she touched one of the wounds, in it was lodged a dark, shiny object, it felt slimy to the touch.

She pulled hard, and the object released itself from her back.

Bringing it up to eye level, to observe the object closer, all her fears were confirmed.

Undead, AwakeWhere stories live. Discover now