|Chapter 3|

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The early morning air was cool and refreashing. Not too cold for a beautiful spring day.

Rex barked loudly bringing Claire's attention to the small dog. Rex was rolling around in the grass waiting for belly rub.
Claire laughed and bend down to rub the dogs belly as Rex squirmed in delight.

The sound of some clearing their throat interrupted Claire's and Rex's moment.
Claire turned and saw Mayor Thomas was standing their. Looks like he kept his word.

"Morning, Ms.Owens. Are you ready to explore the town?" The mayor asked as he walked into the farm.

Claire frowned and looked at him. He said he was going to help her, right? What was exploring the town going to do for her farm?

"Um, Mayor Thomas, how is exploring the town going to help me? I mean, I'm grateful that you are taking time out of your day, but aren't you going to help me with my farm?" Claire asked as she looked at the small man.

The mayor turned around and chuckled. His brown eyes gleaming with happiness.

"Claire, please call me Thomas, as of your farm you seem to be doing just fine on your own." Thomas said pointing over to the area Claire cleared out the night before.

Claire sighed and nodded. He wasn't wrong about that, clearing that patch wasn't hard for her and she was already getting a hang of it. But that still left one question.

"Okay, but how is exploring the town going to help me?" Claire asked putting her hands on her waist.

Thomas looked at her a bit before turning to the opening of her farm.

" I'm going to show you the stores that will help you restore your farm to its former glory. Plus you still need to meet the rest of the towns folk, their excited about your arrival." Thomas said smiling.

Claire agreed and walked beside the mayor as they left her farm.

While Claire was wondering around the town that was barely waking up. Their was a young man groaning as he got dressed for work.

Gray was a apprentice blacksmith, working under his grandfather, Saibara. He loved his grandpa, but the man was a pain in the ass most of the time.

Anything that Gray was proud of,  Saibara always had something bad to say about before chucking it back into the furnace for him to restart. That would then lead to alot of arguing and throwing things.

Then there was the towns people, they didn't like him much either. He tended to stick to himself and didn't talk to them. He was then labled as cold, and anti-social by the town. He was always working and just didn't have time to mingle with people. Well also the fact that he had terrible people skills anyway,so the anti-social thing wasn't really wrong.

After all his father dumped him here and left Saibara to take care of him at the age five. Saibara himself wasn't a great with people either, but was a polite and understandable person that the town loved.

Gray never could fit in with th other village children and he still feels the same sfter living here for so many years.

But,as of lately there had been talk of someone buying the farm that had sat abandoned for some years. The town people had been going on and on about this person. Whether the new farmer was a boy or girl, or that will they stay when they saw the farm.

This was driving him crazy, even his grandpa decided to join in with the talk of this new farmer. Heck, Saibara wanted Gray to go and see the farmer and introduce them to the town, but luckily waa saved when Thomas said he would show the farmer around.

Gray brushed his orange hair back and put on his hat. Before turning to look at his roommate. The guy had arrived in the town not too long ago. The guy was quiet and remained to himself.

He was an outsider, he even looked like an outsider with his fur clothing and long brown hair pulled into a ponytail.

At least he didn't bother him or made a mess of the room.

Gray went out of the room and headed down the stairs to sit at the counter of the bar.

Ann, a orange haired wiatress was happily wiping down the wooden counter top.

"Morning Gray, breakfast would be here soon." Ann said as she poured a cup of coffee and handed it to him.

The inn wasn't opened yet, but those who lived there were treated with a nice breakfasts before they opened at ten.

"Thanks Ann." Gray replied as he took the mug of coffee.

Ann smiled and went back to her business.

Ever since that guy came into town the girl was a bit happier. Gray could safely assume that Ann had a crush on the new guy.

Which probably relieved her father seeing how Ann was a bit of a tomboy. She was raised by her father of course, seeing how her mother had died during childbirth.

Gray drinked his coffee and let out a pleased sigh. He liked his coffee dark and bitter, just like his soul.

"Is Cliff still asleep, I need to clean the rooms?" Ann asked a light blush climbing onto her face.

Gray chuckled nd shook his head.

"He's awake he's just getting dressed." Gray said as he stood up and put some money on the counter.

Ann nodded and took the cup to wash it and stuffed the monry into the cash register.

Gray opened the Inn's door and took in a breath of the morning's cool air as he headed towords Rose square.

After the mayor showed her the empty town and stores she had to wait till ten for them to open.

She decided on walking around the town for a bit. She took the right path by her home which lead to the blacksmith's and two farms that sold chicken and the other sold cows and sheep.

As she passed the blacksmith's, a chicken came flying towords her.

"Stop that chicken!" A female voice cried out.

Claire grabbed the chicken before it could go running around the town.

A girl with cotton candy pink hair came running towards her, holding the red skirt of her dress.

Claire handed the chicken to the girl and gave her a friendly smile.

"You must be the new farmer, you're  Claire right?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2017 ⏰

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