Chapter 07: Trespassing

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The Gotham City Police Department, like most buildings in the city, was tall and ornate. It was also cold and lifeless gray concrete, marked at the corners of the roof by the fearsome shapes of gargoyles.

Harley didn't pay any attention to the architecture as she had a more important reason for being here tonight. In the back of her mind, she thought she could've been spending the evening with Bruce instead of lurking in a trash strew alleyway.

She pushed the thought away. Bruce was nice, but he was just the face for the bank account she'd use to fund Batman's demise, but he was a handsome face. Harley shook her head, trying to clear the clutter of conflicting thoughts trampling each other in their attempts to make her notice them.

Harley needed to focus on something other than Bruce, his good looks, charm, glacial blue eyes, chiseled jaw, and... She hit herself in temple with her hand, trying to detail the train of thought.

The back door to the police station was situated on an elevated slab of concrete twenty feet across. A railing of rusty metal bars guarded the edge, and a set of steps at the far end of the slab led down to the alley floor. The door opened, and a police officer exited the building. He removed a lighter and a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, walking away from Harley's position.

Leaving her spot behind a dumpster, Harley jumped and grabbed the top of the railing. Kicking off the wall of the police station, she easily vaulted over the railing and landed beside the door before it closed. She slipped inside as the door shut and locked behind her.

Clad in snug clothes of black, with only a narrow opening in the knit mask over her face, Harley was a living shadow in the dimly lit hallways. She would've preferred to add a splash of red to the outfit, but she wanted to remain as unnoticed as possible.

Because of the late hour of her visit, the police station was dark and mostly empty as the officers were patrolling the gloomy and twisted streets of Gotham. Her padded shoes made only the slightest whisper as she stepped lightly down the hallway.

Harley looked carefully through the windows of the offices. The lights were out, and no one was working late, but she didn't dare risk getting caught by someone she'd missed. The information she needed was vital to finding out who was behind the attempt on her life. If the cops arrested her for breaking and entering or trespassing, she'd never find out what she needed.

Certain she was alone, Harley headed for the stairs. Taking the steps two at a time, Harley climbed to the sixth floor. The elevator would've been faster, but if someone heard the doors open or was waiting outside when it arrived, she could easily be caught. Fighting it out with the cops could only create more problems, so she took the long way around.

Harley opened the door a crack to peek through into the next room. Headquarters for the best detectives in Gotham, the room was crowded with desks, piled high with papers and file folders. Bulletin boards had notes and pieces of evidence pinned to them, occasionally with red strings tied between various items to designate their connection. At the far end of the room was the office of Commissioner Gordon.

The room was almost completely dark, only the light of a forgotten desk lamp provided illumination. The gargoyles on the inside of the room were barely able to be seen. Harley suspected if someone had been perched atop one of the stone figures, she would never have been able to detect them.

Taking one of the rolling desk chairs, Harley placed her knee on the seat and pushed off with her opposing foot, gleefully coasting across the width of the room. Sliding to a stop by the office door for Commissioner Gordon, Harley reached into her pocket and pulled out a small bottle attached to a plastic flower. Giving the bottle a squeeze caused the flower to spray a green mist on the door lock. Smoke rose from the door handle an instant before it melted off and fell to the floor. Harley paused a moment to see if anyone had heard the noise. When no one arrived to arrest her, she pulled the door open and went inside.

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