When It Rains

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Just a random work I did when it was raining...which is right now. :D

I had fun writing this. So tell me what you think and maybe, just maybe I'll continue this....

If not then this is just a one chapter short story :)

Either way




I’ve always hated the rain.

Well maybe hate’s a strong word mybe I dislike it or it’s not one of my most favorite things in the world.

But Ironic how I met the man that I loved in the rain. Like it fitted perfectly, love and hate both in the same concept but I guess it isn’t impossible because people do always say there’s a thin line between them.


 I’ve never been scared of thunder, until one faithful evening. I thought thunder was just harmless noise. I was actually more scared of lightning because I’m afraid I’d get hit and die, funny how it did the opposite thing. And there again is another example.

                If there was something that I’ve learned in life by now it was that life is complex. It’s not always how we interpret it, not always how we expect it.

 You know why? Because every other human being in this world has his or her brain to imagine, his or her own eyes that can see things in a lot of different angels and his or her own ears to hear what they want to hear.


To be honest I’m a believer of love. I’m one of those sappy kids that think they’ll meet their dream guy somewhere, fall in love and fly to the horizon.

The truth is I’m more of a ‘To feel-is-to-believe’ kind of person. Which also means though I believe in love, I don’t believe I ever loved someone.

Like I said ‘To feel-is-to-believe’. And that means if they didn’t love me back then it wasn’t love.

Because why would you not love the person back if felt that he genuinely loves you.  It would be impossibe not to love them back.

That’s why if they didn’t love you it’s not true love.

There it is again, contradiction. Like my mind has set this some sort of programming that commands me that in everything I belive in, there has to be a pro and a con.

That’s why I knew that loving Asher Colt... it was also some sort of contradiction.

I met the guy that I loved in the rain. I asked for a guy to love and I got it…

 But like I said, in my life there’s always a contradiction, that in every pro there has to be and there will always be, a con.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2012 ⏰

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