Author's Note

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(Kindly skip this chapter if you're not interested on what I'm going to say. It's kind of important, but I will respect on your decision either you're going to stay or not.)

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Personally, writing stories are considered as my hobby. It is one of my source of entertainment to conquer boredom that I always encounter in my everyday life. There are most of the times I have a vacancy in my schedule, but seldomely, my schoolworks and other hobbies would fill those up.

Author's block? Hiatus? Temporary Break? Yeah, they do exist in my pesty world

That's why I made a writing schedule for me to follow.

In order to create myself on what you called, "Time Management".

You can look at my profile description if you want to know more about it.

But to be honest. It's funny that I create this kind of laughingstock.

Usually, I'm a lazy person who only do tasks that I'm only interested with.

Spending least amount of energy as possible to accomplish really disturbing school papers, reports, and lectures.

Seriously, I don't know what hit me to make a writing schedule to discipline myself.

I guess my passion on writing forced me to pursue to write this book...

— Even though I have no idea why. I just want to write from out of nowhere.

Anyways. Expect that you might run into few grammatical errors along the way.

Reason? I am still learning.

As a long time citizen in an Asian Country. I consider English as my second language.

Of course, it would be natural that I won't be instantly blessed to speak and use English fluently as I entered the human world.

Unless, if there's some sort of magic that will grant me to be in the same level with other people living in America when it comes to their linguistic skills.

Which... I wish it was true.

Damn it.


Well, change of subject. There's nothing much I can talk about.

Mysterious Sleeping Seatmate...

It was inspired from numerous amount of anime shows that I enjoyed a lot.

I adapt every elements and ideas from the animes I've watched to enjoyfully write this book and make them my own style to deliver a different kind of tackle to entertain my readers.

Also, I accept criticisms on how boring, horrible, good, or amazing my book is.

Besides, this romantic comedy story is a way to entertain myself.

In other words, I am not entirely focus on fame nor demands of the readers.

But, I deeply appreciate if you want to support my project!

With all of that being said, you may now proceed.

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|| COPYRIGHT © 2017 ||

"This book is respectfully owned by the Author, Chilly Pepper. Any act of plagiarism or stealing of ideas without permission are strictly prohibited."

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