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You wake up in the darkness. A complete darkness that gives no way to form what is around you. Unable to see you take a moment to gather yourself and you observe that your heart is pounding rapidly and you had been sweating profusely from what could only be a terrifying nightmare you have no recollection of having.

You briefly ponder the voice in the back of your head narrating your surroundings, you observe that it sounds like your own voice, and you wonder if it has always been there but you haven’t noticed it before. You blame the darkness for noticing things that normally aren’t supposed to be noticed and direct your attention towards an escape.

There is a staircase to your immediate right. As you reach your hand out you do infact feel the smooth and polished surface of a wooden railing and begin a descent upwards to where you hope you may find answers as to where you are. You do not question the voice in the back of your head, or its knowledge of the staircase to your immediate right.

There is no door at the top of the staircase and the moment you realize this light from the outside blinds you. You take a moment to regain yourself and you see a long hallway decorated with paintings of people you have never seen, and large windows you have never looked out of before. You have a foreboding feeling about the hallway, but continue to walk forward.

At the end of the hallway there are two doors painted monochromatically. One is red, and the other is purple. You choose the red colored door-

In an effort to rebel against the voice in your head you walk towards the purple door and proceed through it. You feel a brief wave of satisfaction at the fact you have defied what seemed to be the controlling factor of your exploration and you do not dwell on the fact that you may have been meant to go through the purple door the entire time, and the voice inside your head had already planned for your rebellion and commanded you towards the wrong door.

The room behind the purple door is just as purple as the door, and you notice that each time you inhale it tastes like grapes.

It is suddenly brought to your attention that you have a sister, and an entire family that you haven’t seen a trace of. In fact, you begin wondering where you are exactly, but you are suddenly quelled into security when you remember that they went on a mini vacation for your sisters soccer tournament.

The purple room becomes overwhelming and you leave it in a hurry, as you exit the purple door you discover that the large windowed hallway is gone, but you are not alarmed because- I said you are not alarmed, please control yourself.

A stark white room lay before you with a single television Disney’s classic The Jungle Book plays on the screen and you see Shere Khan the tiger doing bad guy things. You discover an immense hatred for the way stripes look and Shere’s strips turn to spots and you realize he is now a leopard and that makes the situation ok. You see a party hat placed on the corner of the TV and wish it a Happy Birthday, this makes sense, televisions have feelings to.

It is extremely white and you understand that the reason the room is so white is because there is snow everywhere. In fact, you have been outside this entire time, it is a surprise you hadn’t noticed early. It is the middle of winter, you must be freezing. You stick your thumb out at the passing cars on the highway, shivering against the cold winter air. You do not contemplate jumping in front of one of these cars. You do not take a step towards the white lines of the road. Are you listening to me? Do not defy me, I am your god. Do not-

You wake up in the darkness. A complete darkness that gives no way to form what is around you. Unable to see you take a moment to gather yourself and you observe that your heart is pounding rapidly and you had been sweating profusely from what could only be a terrifying nightmare you have no recollection of having.

A candle lights in the corner of the room, you are slightly startled by a masked figure hovering the candle unmoving, but from the small light you notice a staircase next to him. The figure does not move and you come to the decision that it is not alive and you will not be harmed from advancing forward.

You do not come to the realization that there is a voice that sounds exactly as yours does, narrating your surroundings inside your head.

As you walk up the stairs you look over your shoulder. The masked mannequin stands at the base of the stairs, unmoving, and stares directly at you. You are not alarmed and continue moving forward at a slightly faster pace. You are not scared.

Water drips from the ceiling as you ascend the staircase. It feels as if you have been walking for ages and your legs are burning. You can hear water hitting the narrow walls of the passage and you know you must be above ground. You find the strength to continue forward, the wind rattles the walls, you consider going back down to the dark room.

As you look over your shoulder the masked figure stares back at you, only seven or eight steps behind you. Your heart skips a beat, and your palms calm up immediately. The masked figure should not have followed you, in fact, he was not apart of this story at all.

Scared, you run up the steps. Aware of your pursuer you can now hear steady footsteps ascending the staircase with you. You quickly slam the door behind you as you reach the attic.

Catch your breath, you are safe now, the masked man cannot reach-

The masked man stares at you. Mere inches from your face. He does not belong in this setting. A painted smile remains unwavering. He does not move. Without looking away you back yourself into a glassless window frame. You are scared. Who is this masked man? You are scared that the voice in your head does not give you any vague answer or direction. I am scared. You must hit the start over button. The masked man does not move as you watch him. You fall and as you do he-

You wake up in the darkness. A complete darkness that gives no way to form what is around you. Unable to see you take a moment to gather yourself and you observe that your heart is pounding rapidly and you had been sweating profusely from what could only be a terrifying nightmare you have no recollection of having.

A masked man stares at you in the candle light.

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