A dinner I don't want to come to!

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Shaggy, Scooby, and Brady made it to a dinner hall, or what seemed like one, and smiled at all the food. "Look at this, huh, Scoob? It's like a medieval Sizzler. Pinch me, I'm in heaven" Shaggy said before Brady pinched Shaggy to tell him he wasn't dreaming. "It's an expression, Brady" he told his sister's "boyfriend". "Oh, I know" he said with a smile on his face and Shaggy glared at him while Scooby started to laugh.
          Brady and Scooby high fived and Shaggy rolled his eyes. "So what are you and my sister planing?" Shaggy asked Brady and Brady stopped what he was doing. "What do you mean?" He asked and Shaggy rolled his eyes as Brady sounded nervous. "I know you to aren't dating. Are you trying to make Fred jealous?" Shaggy said crossing his arms. "Maybe we are and maybe we aren't" Brady said and went back to looking at the food. Shaggy sighed. He knew the answer.
Fred and Velma walked in one of the halls in the ride as Fred came up with ways to apologize to Velma. "Velma, I never meant to... Well, you know" Fred said and Velma rolled her eyes. "pick you last" Fred finished and Velma shook her head. "Don't worry about it. I know you. All you care about are swimsuit models" Velma said and Fred stopped her with his hand. "Look, I'm a man of substance. Dorky chicks like you turn me on too" he said and Velma rolled her eyes and kept walking.
        "That's a compliment" Fred said catching up to Velma. "So you and Sammi?" Velma asked knowing about the crush Fred used to have on the brunette girl. He loved the red colors she would wear. "What do you mean?" Fred asked as he eyed Velma suspiciously. "I mean, do you still like her? I mean it seems like it" Velma explained and she looked at Fred. Fred's mind started swimming so much, he didn't know what to say.
He thought he could hide his feelings so well. He thought wrong. "Maybe" he mumbled and Velma smirked at the leader. "Then you must not like Brady then? You know since he is dating Sammi" Velma said and Fred rolled his eyes. He really needed to learn how to hide his emotions. And, of course the smartest one in the group would figure it out. Fred quickly sped up to the next room and Velma started to run to catch up with the leader.
Sammi and Daphne had found a dead end and Daphne finally noticed that she had Sammi with her. "So you and Brady? He's cute" Daphne said and Sammi nodded. "Hey want to help me with this door?" Daphne asked and Sammi nodded before pushing on the door with the red head. Well now blondie. The girls had problems opening the door by pushing it so Daphne nudged Sammi.
"Help me kick it down?" She asked and Sammi smiled. They both closed their eyes before they kicked the door. The ride then turned on but Daphne didn't notice since she was doing a victory dance. "Yes! Yes! Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah" Daphne kept saying as Sammi was trying to get Daphne's attention. "Daphne! Daphne!" She tried to yell before Daphne turned to see the ride coming at her. "Oh, no!" Daphne yelled before the ride hit her and Sammi and took them in the door.
"Tried to tell ya!" Sammi yelled before both of them started to scream. "This is not good!" Sammi yelled and Daphne glared at her. "You think!" She yelled back before both started to scream going into another room.
"And now for our dinner show" a voice said and Shaggy, Scooby, and Brady looked at the food with wide eyes as they started to move. "I will never look at food the same!" Brady said as it started to grab him. "What?" Shaggy said as he tried to get out of the "Food's" grip. "Watch out!" Brady yelled as a ride cart came out behind them.
Shaggy and Brady grabbed at the food as they were caught in it. "I got a bad feeling about this" Brady said as he almost got the food to let go of him. "Me too!" Scooby said as he was also catch in the food. "And now for our main course! You!" The voice said again and the boys were lifted off of the ground and was brought to the wall. "Feast on this" the voice said again and a hand came out of a pod. And looked like it was trying to eat Shaggy Scooby and Brady. "Ahhhhhhhhhh!" Brady and Shaggy screamed.
When the ride turned on, Fred and Velma tried to run but almost had their heads chopped off as an axe came down in front of their heads. "Jinkies" Velma said before they got to a room and closed the door. Then larger axes then started to come up from behind them and was moving forward by every swing. "They're moving toward us. Run!" Velma said as she and Fred ran until they got to the door. They tried to push it open but it wouldn't budge. "We're trapped" Fred said and Velma looked next to her to see books.
"Quick, try the bookcase" Velma said grabbing some books. "One of these has to open a passageway" she explained as she pulled some out. "Velma, this is a ride" Fred told her and Velma turned to him. "You got a better plan?" She asked and Fred then started to take out books.
"What do we do?" Scooby asked and Shaggy looked at his wrist that was being held by sausage. "Do what we do best, Scoob: Eat" Shaggy said before turning to Brady. "You too, Brady" he said and Scooby took a bit of one of the sausages. He soon quickly spit out the food and said "it's plastic".
      Brady nodded as he also took a bit. "Oh, why do you care Scoob? You drink out of the toilet" Shaggy said and Scooby had a offended look. "So do you!" He said and Brady questioned his "girlfriend's" brother sanity. "Do you really?" He asked and Scooby nodded his head.
"I'm not helpless" Daphne said and Sammi nodded to her. That was before they saw what was ahead of them. "I am helpless. I'm gonna die!" Daphne said and Sammi replied with "at least you are speaking what we are both thinking". Daphne turned to Sammi to give a glare.
          "Just saying" Sammi said before the blades where about two feet away. "I am to young to die!" Sammi screamed and Daphne nodded saying she was to young to died. "You and me both" Daphne said before the ride stopped. "What?" Sammi said but stayed where she was as she was petrified with fear.
         Meanwhile with Fred and Velma. The books were almost gone and Fred had trouble pulling on one when he tripped backwards. He was going to get hit with the large axe until Velma tossed Fred a book. Fred went flying into a window and flipped the switch that stopped the ride. He groaned in pain as the ride was slowing down.
As this was happening, the food that had attacked Shaggy, Scooby, and Brady stopped strangling them. "We made it guys! We're alive" Shaggy yelled before the wall fell back on them and they went tumbling. "That was weird" Shaggy said and Brady nodded.
"I don't think I will ever look at good the same again. Or at least meat" Brady said as he got up and noticed some cable wires running into another room. "Hey Shag?" Brady asked and Shaggy looked toward him. "Remind me to become a vegetarian" he said before he started to follow the cable. Shaggy nodded and followed Brady, Scooby in tow.
Hey guys. I know that was a lot of jumping around but I wanted to get more point of views(pov) in and to make this story seem more interesting. Also Shaggy is smarter than we think. He knew about Sammi and Brady's plan. I hope you guys enjoyed! I know I did. See you guys in the next update.

P.s. Next chapter will also skip around a lot. Also was reading from the old chapters and cracked myself up.

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