Last day of school

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Denise's Pov

The bell rings.

Professor Avalon: And that concludes our last lesson for the year. You are dismissed. I hope you have a good summer ladies!

Rainbow: Finally, Summer! Shopping, boys, no work! What else could you ask for?

Professor Avalon: Girls, can I talk to you?

Denise: Sure Professor Avalon, what is it?

Professor Avalon: I have a special project for you to do over the summer.

Bell: What kind of special project?

Professor Avalon: During the summer I want you girls to find something that could be fixed in the world. Something that could help the universe become a better place. Then, I would like you to present you idea on the first day of school to everyone in Alphea. Miss.Faragonda thought this would be perfect summer project for you ladies! (Pause) So,are you up to the challenge?

Everyone except Rainbow: Yes!

Rainbow: I don't know.

Bell: Come on Rainbow, it'll be fun!

Rose: Yeah, I mean we can help the planet!

Nielectra: Not to mention, we'll get extra credit for this! Right?

Professor Avalon: Of course, and Rainbow, I'll even give you an A+ for the whole year!

Rainbow: Really?

Professor Avalon: Have I ever lied to you?

Rainbow: No.

Denise: So?

Melody: Please?

Rainbow: Fine. I'll do it!

All: Woo-hoo!

Professor Avalon: Great! I can't wait to see what you come up with! Now start packing girls!

(We get to our room.)

Melody: So, should we doing a project together?

Denise: That's a great idea!

Rainbow: I suggest we pick our theme as shopping!

All: No!

Rainbow: Why not?

Bell: Shopping isn't going to help the world!

Rainbow: It will if we make a device that helps girls with fashion advice!

Nielectra: I suggest we give a kick on how to stop cyber bullying!

All: Eghhhhhhh.

Nielectra: Why not?

Melody: That isn't that important!

Nielectra: Isn't that important?! Isn't that important?! Cyber bullying is a big problem! What do you suggest we do then?!

Melody: I suggest we be the voice for animals who don't have one.

Nielectra: And what's that supposed to mean?

Melody: Well,um.........

Nielectra: Exactly. You don't know, because you never know!

Melody: 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

Rose: I have the perfect solution! I think we should find a way to prevent the killing of plants and wildlife!

Bell: Instead of plants,why don't we try to stop the pollution of waters?

Rainbow: That's stupid!

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