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Emil sat down in a chair in the corner of his room, which looked over the vast garden.

Hey, brother.. do you still believe in love-eyed wonder?

His ringtone? Emil picked up the phone and answered it, holding it to his ear.

"Lillebror! Come back, please! I really miss you!" Lukas' voice rang through the speaker and into his ear, and it sounded as if Lukas had been crying?

"Lukas, what?"

"Come back!"


"I already told you, damn it!" The other sniffled, and on the other side of the line, Emil was sure he heard Peter crying. Was he really missed that much that he made a micronation cry. 

"I understand you miss me, but you'll miss me more if I get out."


"I'll die." Emil spoke bluntly in a whisper, gritting his teeth as he heard footsteps approach his bedroom door.

"Emmy?" That was Peter's nickname for his, how dare Imu use it. But the Icelander took nothing but a deep breath.

"Yes?" Emil turned to face the closed door.

"Who's that?" Lukas' voice spoke up.

"I have to go." He whispered to Lukas.

"Who're you talking to?" The 15 year old spoke in a demanding tone.

"Nobody. It's fine..."

"You better not be lying to me..."


Lukas sat on the sofa, head in his hands, with Peter cuddled up to him. They were both crying, and both really worried for Emil. They never had cried this much before, Lukas cried when he was in severe pain, which was back in viking ages, but now, it feels like someone's ripped out his heart and decided to play tennis with it. He missed his little brother so much, and was in denial because he knew Emil couldn't come back because he'd most probably die, but he also knew that if he'd stay, he'd probably die as well, so Lukas had to suck it up.

Matthias was acting much like Sweden and Norway put together, shouting, not in happiness as usual, but in fear and anger. He hated North Korea, absolutely hated him, and now he's taken someone Matthias cares very much for... no... he wanted to do something, but in the state he was in, everyone said no and stopped him from getting out of the house at all. It was terrifying how much of a temper the eldest nation had, especially to someone who's physically 10 years younger than him.

Leon and Alfred were staying with the rest of the Nordics, and were trying to sort out 'battle techniques'. Nobody would expect that, when they're together, Matthias and Alfred would be the greatest war-planners within the group, writing down each possibility that they could think of and then their counter.

"Wait- what if he uses Emil to stop us fighting?"

"Then I'll kill him, simple." Leon perked up, balling his fists as he stood up, beginning to pace around the meeting room. "I will kill my little brother if I have to." The English-raised country growled in pure hatred for someone in his family.

"Leon..." Tino started, before shaking his head. None of them would care if Imu died.

"Dude, it's my war, Emil shouldn't've been dragged into something'a mine." Alfred looked over at Leon, setting a hand on his shoulder. "I can deal with it myself."

Matthias cleared his throat, standing up; "Guys, Emil is all our friend, well, closer to a brother. If one of us stands up against that bastard, we all will. No questions asked." The Dane had a serious frown on his lips – and he's meant to be the happiest country, but when it came to fucking with his family, a war will not be avoidable.

Peter looked up from cuddling with Lukas, wiping his eyes. "Papa.." the boy sniffled, and it grabbed Berwald's attention, as well as Tino's. "What if- if you... you do what Alfred did to Arthur?"

"Which is?" Tino asked, switching his gaze between Alfred and Peter.

"Dude, you mean the Revolutionary war?" Alfred raised an eyebrow. "Arthur told ya, huh?" He chuckled. "Well, it won't work like that, the Revolutionary War was just to declare my independence, not to end any countries. This, this here is different, I don't mean to scare ya, kiddo, but Imu wants to blow up countries, take over them all and own the world."

"Like in the movies?"

"Exactly like the movies."

Peter wiped his eyes again, and was about to say 'cool' in admiration, but then he realised this is a life-or-death, end-of-the-world problem, and Peter wished he could help, but he was small. Not really owning much land whatsoever, or citizens, so if anything happened to his country, he would die, just like that, but if anything happened to him, something will happen to his country, then killing him. So it's a cycle. A vicious cycle.

Berwald looked around somewhat awkwardly, and bit his lip. "But maybe, if we can combine all our troops, we can destroy all his troops as well."

"It will not be that simple, Ber, Imu may be a young nation, but when we were young nations, we were unstoppable vikings, but Imu had grown up wanting to destroy his twin, and then use world domination as a threat, then blow up where he gets the chance:" Denmark explained.

Lukas began crying more upon hearing this. "No, no, that means Emil is in a lot of shit..."

Peter ignored the curse word and latched back on to Lukas' shoulder, refusing to let go for Tino nor Berwald.

"If that dick lays one finger on my baby, O swear to god I'm gonna declare war on him." Leon growled.

Suddenly, Leon's phone buzzed with the Skype ringtone and he immediately answered it, holding the phone close enough that his whole face was in view.

But once he saw what state Emil was in...

"Holy shit, Em, what happened to you?!" Leon almost yelled.

"I made a fucking mistake." The other chuckled a little, "wait, why are you in with the other Nordics?"

"Hey dude!"

"And why is America there?"

"Nevermind that, but what mistake?!"

"I may or may not have asked Imu why he hates Im..."

"I don't know if I should feel sorry for you or call you stupid, babe."

"I think stupid is the right term."

Lukas leaped off the sofa to see what kind of mess Emil had gotten himself into, and seemed freaked out.

"Lukas, are you crying?"

Lukas ignored what Emil had said, and focused on the almost pixelated bruises and cuts on his neck, cheeks, forehead, and eyes. Emil seemed to had been laughing a lot more, to distract himself from the pain.

"Emil. You need to-"

"How many times have I told you..."

"Shit, yeah."

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