Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


(The Twin's Condo-------->)

**warning a little nosebleed may occur. You all know what I write so there is no need for anything else to be said..enjoy***

It’s always funny how you take things in your life for granted, everyday things like your home, your car, and even the money you spend on things you don’t really need, but on frivolous things that strikes your fancy; so you just up and buy it because you can. Then when you look at those same things through someone else’s eyes and regard it from their point of view; you come to realize how truly fortunate you really are. That was the understanding that hit me as Michael and I watched Simeon as he studied our home with wide eyed awe. How he found absolute joy in the little things like the size of a room or the furniture in another. He absolutely squeaked in delight when we showed him his room. He had said it was like some kind of luxury suite and that he could have fit the entire house he grew up in there. Simeon was absolutely breathtaking to watch and even Michael for once had nothing to say. He had gotten a little overwhelmed of Simeon’s innocent delight in the softness and comfort of the bed in his room.

Simeon had thanked us like we had handed him the keys to Buckingham Palace and Michael nodded once and disappeared down the hall to our room. I made sure that Simeon had everything that he needed and slowly made my way to the master bedroom that Michael and I shared. I wasn’t happy with him earlier when he had blurted out the comment about molesting Simeon’s sexy ass. I didn't want him to scare the skittish beauty away, but I couldn’t fault him for being honest. Because truly, if Simeon gave me the merest hint that he was interested, I would fuck him until we were both raw and unable to walk for days, weeks even. He had no idea of the hold he already held over me, the both of us really. I can’t explain it, it’s like this beautiful boy was destined for us, never have I been so instantly drawn to someone, so attracted to another person in just a few hours. It was unheard of, for me at least. And I knew that my twin shared my sentiments in this situation.

I walked into the bedroom and I leaned against the door to watch the poetry in motion that was my brother, he was in the process of taking off his shirt with his back facing towards me. The ripple of his muscles were mesmerizing to watch, almost hypnotic. I found my feet whisking me softly across the plush carpeting over to him, and I ran a single finger down the elegant curve of his spine as I leaned over to place a soft kiss on the smooth scented skin of his shoulder.

“Did Simeon get settled in alright?” He whispered as he turned his face and nuzzled my cheek with the tip of his nose.

“Yeah, I left him rummaging through his luggage.” I purred and nipped the fleshy tip of his ear. He let out a sexy little moan before turning his body fully into my arms and buried his face in my neck.

A lot of people have never seen the soft side of my twin, but I knew for all his bluntness and his seemingly unfeeling character. Michael is a sensitive soul; he felt more than anyone had ever given him credit for, even our parents. Plenty would have a lot to say out our unconventional relationship, but it has always been this way for us. We knew each other right down to the very DNA of our beings. It didn’t feel wrong to love each other as lovers would. It came naturally to us from the beginning, it was only when we left home did we stop being so discreet about it. Those closest to us knew and if they had a problem with it, they knew where to go and how to get there. Those who didn’t have a problem with it never made it an issue.

We shared everything, not only our genetics. There was never any jealousy between us, because we knew at the end of the day, we will always have each other. We brought others into our relationship to add spice and variety, but lately those we have chosen wasn’t a proper fit and they always tried to pit us against one another, for us to chose them over each other; therefore it never worked and we stopped looking for our third. That was what it was until this gorgeous sad little angel captured our sole focus with a bat of those long tear soaked lashes and those bottomless chocolate eyes.

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