The Moon meets the Sun

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As she slept, she slowly became more and more aware of the world around her. Voices at first, whispers at the edge of her awareness. She could hear the dark thoughts of the bereft, the forlorn thoughts of the dying. Pain, love, horror and other emotions swirled and turned dark, as something bright and warm approached her. Her eyes fluttered open as she sensed the warmth outside her door. The door opened slowly, and she sat up carefully, curious about this warmth, but cautious. A small boy, with hair like sunshine and cerulean blue eyes, peeked in. Darkness swirled around him, even though he was the bright light she could sense.

'Why? Why is there so much hatred dogging his steps?' She carefully shifted her position, to see him better.

"Um... Hi." The boy fidgeted, uncertainly peering into the room. Tsukiko cautiously waved him in. He stepped through the doorway, glancing over his shoulder briefly.

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto, what's yours?" He bravely ignored the unseen glares, but his thoughts rushed her unbidden. 'Why? Why are they looking at me with those eyes? What did I do to deserve this!?'

"Tsukiko," she murmured, shifting over a little, and patting the bed.

"Well.. um... It's good to see you're getting better!" He said, grinning. "So...uh...Bye!" He hurriedly turned and fled, people making space for him as he rushed by.

"Wait!" but he was gone.

'It's HIM again.'

She could hear, the words echoing around him. 'Why do they hate him?'

"Tsukiko, you're up! How are you feeling?" A nurse came in, smiling brightly. 'HE was in here.'

"Why do you treat him like that?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" The nurse looked confused, her smile faltering.

"Why do you all hate that boy? What has he done?" Tsukiko frowned, confused at the reaction she was causing.

"He's-um well he's- that's top secret Leaf business only!" The nurse stormed out slamming the door behind her.

Tsukiko flinched. Why was everyone acting like he was some kind of monster?

The voices began to get louder, clamoring for attention, drumming away inside her skull.

'I wish they would stop! I wish they would all be quiet! I wish they'd leave me alone!' Tsukiko threw her hands over her ears and squeezed her eyes shut. She sat there, writhing in agony for what felt like hours.

"Quick make way! It's an emergency!" The voice struck her and she could hear the frantic attitude that suddenly took over the footsteps that echoed madly around her. But it was the smell that caught her.

Blood. Again there was that stirring feeling in her gut. How was she able to smell something with such acute senses?

'Hmmm, that smell is so sweet.'

Thoughts that were hers, but not startled her from her strange trance.

"Who's there?" Tsukiko looked around wildly, the pain and noise subsiding slightly. The room was completely empty, save for her. And that scared her even more.

"Where are you?" Just as quietly and as smoothly as the voice and feeling had come, they left, leaving Tsukiko feeling scared and uncertain. She curled into a ball and wished the boy would come back. She could bare the voices, so long as his warm light was there.

Coming out of her ball, she decided to find him. Naruto made the noise less, he made her feel safe.

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