I'm Yours

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I sat in my motel room, munching on some chips, when I heard a knock on the door. I put down my bag of chips and put my gun on the dresser near the door. “C’mon, short bus! I don’t have all day!” Dean yelled through the door.

I rolled my eyes and opened the door to see the oldest Winchester at my door. “Hey, we’re goin’ on a hunt. Djinn a couple miles down the road. You wanna join in?”

I was about to say yes until I remembered I had a date. “Sorry, I have date, Dean. Tell Sam I said hi and be safe. I don’t wanna have to drag you out of a dirty cavern!” I yelled after Dean.

“Yeah, yeah. Go have fun with your angel!” Sam yelled out of Impala’s window.

“Bye, Y/N,” Dean said.

“Bye, Dean,” I replied, waving at Sam.

I closed my door and heard the Impala start up. The rumble slowly faded out as did the last of the sun that was in the sky. I sat down on the bed again and picked up my chips. The last light of the fading sun was nearly gone. He said he’d show up right about…”Hi.”

I turned my head and saw a very nervous Gabriel standing by my door. “Hey,” I greeted.

He walked over to where I sat; sitting down very carefully, as if everything was made of glass. “Y/N, I need to show you something,” Gabe said, very quietly.

As much as I wanted to question his motives, I simply nodded my head and walked to the bathroom to wash my hands and tie my Y/H/C hair into a bun. I saw him shifting from foot to foot, curious about why he is so nervous. As I brushed out my hair and grabbed my jacket, I realized that his usual cocky/arrogant self was going to get stowed away for a few hours and to be honest: that kind of scared me.

I slipped on my jacket and decided against tying my hair into a bun. “Ready?”

“Yes,” I agreed. His hand slipped inside my own and within a few dazing seconds we were in the middle of the forest. “Gabe??”

“I…Y/N...” He kept cutting himself off, obviously not figuring out what he wanted to say to me.

“Gabe? Gabriel!” I took his face in my hands and he looked at me with excited eyes. “What’s up? You bring me out here and…you can’t say what you want to say. Why?”

He leaned in closer and planted a soft, sweet kiss on my lips. He brought me in for a hug and whispered in my ear, “Do you trust me?”

I shook my head and buried my face in his shoulder. “Of course. What in God’s name is this about?”

“I’ll show you…” His voice trailed off. I saw an old tree stump so, I decided to sit on it. When I had turned around, Gabe had taken off his shirt.

“Whoa there, Ga-“ My eyes suddenly widened. I finally realized what he wanted to show me. His wings. There was something Gabe, as well as Cas, told me that only an angel could show his wings to his mate. Angels and God included but, you get my point. I thought about this while he continued to stare at me with wild eyes.

“You trust me right?” He asked me, looking insanely calm.


He simply nodded. I heard a crack of thunder and a bright flash emitted from where he was standing. I covered my eyes. “Y/N…” A small, yet confident voice beckoned me to open my eyes.

What I saw in front of me…there are few words that can describe it perfectly. One of them is undeniably beautiful.

Golden wings arched themselves higher than the surrounding trees. Long, sleek feathers fluttered lightly against the small breeze. He continued stretching them until I had to tilt my head to stare at them. “Gabriel…”

“This….this is me. I figured that if, we are going to be together, I should show you something that I’ve never shown anyone.

I approached him slowly. His wings gave off a dull glow. Indescribable. “Gabriel, they’re…magnificent,” I managed.

I had finally reached where he was standing. I reached a hand out to grab his hand. Instead, I got a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. I felt hands wrap around my waist. When I started tugging at his hair, I heard a flutter of wings. I pulled away and saw that, sadly, he had put his shirt back on and his wings were now nowhere in sight. (Play: I’m Yours by Jason Mraz. A/N It helps if it starts right here. Major feels)

 I suddenly realized that I was wearing a bikini top and my bottom half was covered by a sarong. My hair was still down but, a Hibiscus flower inhabited my right ear. I heard “I’m Yours” by Jason Mraz playing in the background somewhere. The ocean was quietly lapping at the white shore of the beach. The moon was casting a perfect reflection against the water. It was so beautiful. I’ve been saying that too much tonight. “Hey, look over there!” Gabe suddenly exclaimed.

I immediately turned around. Tears had already started to build behind my eyes. I’ve fallen for the oldest trick in the book. In his book, probably.

I turned around again and saw him on his knees. With a small ring in his hand. I put a hand over my mouth to stifle a cry. He was about to say something until I ran to him and got down on my knees, wrapping my arms around him tightly. Just as the chorus of the song hit its peak, I sang along with it, “I’m yours." 

(So sorry for the 'interupption but, I couldn't load a video for I'm Yours so, I trust you independent people can do it yourself ;) P.S. Please tell me how it is...I'm curious...)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2014 ⏰

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