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Gokudera Hayato's POV

I run as fast as I could as guilt filled my mind...


My first creation, My first true friend...

how could I...?

'I'm so sorry my friend...'

Will you ever forgive me from forgetting you all these years? are you still waiting? or have you given up on me? But even so... I will still seek your forgiveness. Afterall your golden heart is always what I like best from you. Something that you have it all along without me made it for you...

I got tripped over twigs and branches for some times, and now my shirt is ruined. It's not like I care about it now. All I need is to get to my old den as fast as I could. Because this bad feeling in my guts keep on twisting painfully as I stepped closer... Not a good sign...


I kicked the door open and began to search for him just to gasped in horror upon the sight of him lying on the floor, wet, with a glass lying innocently on his side...

"TSUNA!!!" I screamed as I went to his side, hoping that I could still save him with the limited equipment I have in this place.

Frustratingly I began to do my job and tear him down to fix the problem, I don't care from getting stung over and over again from the remaining electricity.


Even after I worked hard for almost 2 hours, there's no sign of him waking up...

And though I could always make something even better, I just can't make something- Someone like him. Nothing will be the same, because Tsuna was special. 

I made him special. Irreplaceable. And now I have to face the bitter truth that I will never see his smile again for that small amount of water has broken him down completely. Yet I couldn't help but added some more droplets from my own eyes... I cried...

"Why? Why Tsuna? Why did you do this to me?" I asked him as I hugged him dearly.

after some moments later, I manage to collect myself. I stood up after lying him on the floor carefully. That is when I noticed the note on the table...

It's scribbled with pencil, but I could still read it...

It says...

[To Hayato-kun...

I'm sorry Hayato-kun. But it has been ten years ever since and you haven't yet come back. It always hard for me to keep on living with the loneliness only. I know that robots like me shouldn't have any feelings and I know that I wasn't programmed to have them. However... I truly miss you and I'm not stable. My parts are falling apart over time. I can't fix them all by myself. And, It has been too long, that it seems impossible for you to fulfill your promise. Even if you do, then I'll be the one who breaks it.

I just can't stand to stay all alone without you... Therefore I'm so sorry... But this is goodbye...

your dear friend,


As I mourn over the cold lifeless body in my embrace, I repeated my guilt over and over again, 'till my throat felt sore...

But I know that what's truly lost could never be brought back, and that's why I spilled my tears for him. To honor him. My precious one who made me smile when I'm sad, who made me happy when I almost broke down, who kept me company during my hard times... who always stayed at my side and wait for me until now...

"Hayato-kun, I'll be waiting... so keep your words, my creator... Because that's a promise..."

Those words that escaped his lips that day haunts my mind as I screamed and screamed out loud with tears falling like a waterfall filled with regret...

In the end, that was all I could do. This prodigy who's always got praised to be a genius of the genius just made his biggest mistake. Where for the first time after the day of my parents' death, my world seemed to crash down once more.

And though I know that apologizing couldn't change anything, I still do it anyway...

"My dear friend... I'm sorry..."

======The End======

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