The Final Setting

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Argo poured the liquid onto Erl's jacket and out of his other pocket, he slowly poured out a packet of matches... we all knew what that liquid was "ARGO STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Stephany screamed at the top of her lungs to take Argos attention off Erl. It didn't work, as Argo lit a match, help it above Erl... and dropped it.

A fire had been started, it was spreading quicker then I thought... I guess Argo took his time just so the gasoline would spread, luckily Erl was smart, he opened a window, took of his jacket and threw it out of the window, it landed next to the burning people... "want to question me again... and we'll see how quickly you'll go up when your smothered in this... pppffftttghhhaaahahaha" he started his crazy laugh again.

At this point I had completely forgot about my mum, I forgot I was in the phone call until we all heard "so Argo's showed you had he... he's was with us, he hated humanity, faking themselves and scared of being ugly, it's ridiculous... so we thought, what would happen if people was ugly and they couldn't do anything about it! So that's what we done... I hope you've enjoyed the show charlotte, Erl and Stephany... but it looks like the ride is coming... to a... ooooooo what should I say.... a close....".... the silence was unreal... I was no shaking uncontrollably, I remembered about my mum, and what did he mean 'the rides come to a close' we was still in mid-air... it seems kind of obvious now what he meant... but let's carry on.

The carriage was shaking, we looked behind us and we saw 5 clowns, i think that many, climbing up the Ferris wheel, all staring at us... "I DONT WANT TO DIE I WANT TO LIVE!!! HELP ME ERL!!!" Stephany had broke the silence whilst running to Erl in tiers and hugging him... "we'll be ok Stephany I promise... we're going home..." Stephany knew this was a lie because Erl said this whilst shaking "we was going to tell you guys tonight when we was going home... but looks like we've had a change of plans... wanna tell them Erl???" I was confused at that moment, what was they going to tell us, what was happening between them two.

"Guys..." Erl said calmly, trying to take his mind off of the scene below us and the clowns "guys were... ummm... we're married" at that moment I noticed the ring on Erl's finger, and the same in Stephany's, I'm not blaming them, they have been together since middle school and Erl is 23 and Stephany is 22 so you know it's ok. "Congrats!" I said "unfortunate because of what's about to happen but I'm happy for you two" Argo said something at that moment, but we all stared at him and he immediately shut up... the clowns was up of the Ferris wheel now, each holding a can, the same as Argos, we was all going to die... so as the clowns opened the cans... they poured it all down the Ferris wheel, soaking it... Argo did the same but in our carriage... we looked down and it was nearly empty, fire was everywhere, the ground was burnt but still you had people running around with burnt bodies... so... it was ending, I turned 18 and I died, we huddled together, got in a line and held hands. We was all in tiers... ready for what was about to happen, death was waiting to catch us.. and we feel right into his arms, we saw a bunch of tiny lights glow up around us, and we felt the floor of the carriage get soaked with gasoline, and before we knew it... the lights dropped.

It was horrible being burnt alive, but we stood still, we held in the pain, and we came together for our final hug... whilst we was all in tiers... Argo was screaming in pain, we was happy... and we all jolted at the Ferris wheel started falling, it slowly went down, and then bam... it was all over... Erl got crushed and Stephany had a massive piece of glass right threw her chest, Argo was burnt, and so was I, except you could still see my body, I was just covered in cuts... after five minutes of us being dead the police and ambulances arrived, we was taken away, covered up so the public couldn't see us.

Us three was watching from above, it felt nice to fly, we was free... but I tier fell down my face when I saw someone... in the crowd that I hadn't seen for 15 years... my dad, was there in tiers, knowing I was being taken away, I got a close up of him before he left, but as I was getting closer... a women, got out of her car... screaming and running towards the police... "WHERE IS SHE!!!!?? WHERES MY BABY!! SHE JUST TURNED 18!!! MY BABY NOOOO!!!" Stephany and Erl looked at me, and I flew towards them... "mmm... mu... mummy... MUMMY UR ALIVE" I tried to hug them but I went straight threw them, I loved it, I wasn't crying anymore... I was smiling, they knew I was watching over them... I could feel it, so as we joined the other spirits who had unfortunately died that night, we fled up to the skies to relax forever... but the Erl mentioned something... something we... strangely cared about.

"Hey guys... we're Argo??" He asked "hopefully in hell that bastard" said Stephany with anger in her voice, we looked over at the Ferris wheel and saw him.... his soul, he was covered in black, see-threw hands, who was pulling him down... he was already half way to hell, I flew over and the other two followed me "Charlotte please! I was your friend wasn't I!? PLEASE ILL DO ANYTHING" he screamed "it's too late Argo, were dead and so are you, but your the reason we're here... and karmas bitten your ass" I forced him into the ground and an scream of forgiveness slowly faded away, so we went up to heaven, not happy, but glad we made it up there, which is y I'm I wrote you this story now.

My names Charlotte Solo, and this... was the story, of my 18th birthday... and how it ended In a flash.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2017 ⏰

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