Chapter 1

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<<F/N, due to your action against us, we condemn you to death!>>

"What?" Rin doesn't understand the words that came out from Angel's mouth. Rin doesn't understand what he saw, he doesn't understand nothing in that moment. He needs time to process, "What was that?"

You know these emotions, it's nothing new... Your all life was like this. The old you would escape easily kicking their ass, but not now. Not today. This time, Rin is here. For avoiding troubles for the demon, you choice to stay still and quiet while Angel and the other exorcists move toward you, blocking you to the ground with force, handcuff you with heavy chains and only God knows what else. They want to be sure that you will not move a single muscle without their permission. Rin wants to help you, he wants to prove that you're harmless, kind and... but your sad smile and your words turn into chains that block him right away.

<<It's fine Rin.... Believe me, everything is gonna be ok.>>


The entire class is waiting for the teacher and start the lesson, but nobody comes after all.

<<Strange.>> says Bon while he's staring at the closed door, <<Why the professor is so late?>>

<<I don't know.>> respond Konekomaru, <<Maybe he had something urgent to do.>>

When they're about to speak, the door open and everyone is speechless... A girl is following the teacher until she stops next to the desk and stays silent keeping the head low. Maybe she's just shy?

<<Good morning everyone.>> Yukio adjusts his glasses and continues, <<I would like to introduce you the new student. Please, introduce yourself.>>

The girl moves a few steps forward and raises her head to face the class. She has white hair collected in a cute ponytail. A lock of her pure hair, cover the left eye but thanks to that, the right one lights more up. Her eye have a wonderful color, purple; the same as gems... Her skin is candid, her figure looks fragile, yet she has a strange strength hidden in her gaze.

"Is a goddess or something?" Rin is astonished and he isn't the only one. The entire class is under the spell of her appearance.

<<Hello.>> you speak trying to look at every person in the class, <<I'm (F/N). I'll study with you, I look foward to be friends and get along. I hope I'll not  create any problems to you all.>> then you bow a little.

"Why something in her voice doesn't convince me? It looks like she's... sad..?" Rin knows that sound. He used to have that, a liar voice. When he was little, to not bother his brother and his father, he always smiled and said that everything was fine, but it wasn't. You give him that kind of feeling.

<<Thank you (Y/N)-san.>> with a pat on your shoulder, Yukio invites you to take a seat, <<You can sit wherever you want. If I can recommend you, since you're new, I suggest the front row ones.>>

<<Thank you very much for your suggestion Okumura-sensei.>> with another bow, you walk to the first free seat. You stop near Rin and ask him: <<Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?>>

"Oh shit! She's talking to me!" <<N-not at all!>> the demon moves quickly his sword, <<Here!>>

<<Thanks.>> you kindly smile and sit, taking your notebook out the bag for the lesson.

"She smells like flowers... I know this scent. It's cherry blossom, right?" Yukio starts the lesson, but Rin can't take his eyes off the new student. She is so relaxing to him. Without notice it, his blueish gaze is all the time on her.

<<Mh?>> you stop taking notes and look right into those beautiful eyes, <<Do I have something on my face?>> you ask with a shy smile.

<<Rin!>> the demon shakes for the sudden scold, <<I would appreciate that you pay attention to the lessons and not to (Y/N)-san. Thank you very much.>>

<<Yes, sorry...>> "Damn it Yukio! Now she'll think I'm stupid! Good job me!"

The bell rings again, announcing the lunch break. Yukio excuses himself before the students and you follow him leaving right away. Bon, Shima and Konekomaru leave the room after a while just to buy something. Only Rin, Shiemi and Izumo stays inside.

<<Rin, I have an idea!>> Moriyama says with an happily voice, <<Let's eat with (Y/N)-san! She must feel so lonely! And I want to know her and be friends! What do you think?>>

"I must apologize for before!" <<Yeah! Let's find her!>> he picks up his sword and walks to the door, <<Izumo, you come with us?>>

<<I'll pass.>> she responds disinterested, <<I don't like her.>>

<<That's rude.>> protest Rin, <<You should stop judging people without knowing them.>>

<<Yeah whatever.>> she picks her bag and walk away, <<Let me know then if she's a good person.>>

<<Let's go! We must find (Y/N) before the break end!>> the two Exwire run outside the room and start to looking for their classmate.

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