A Team

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               A-Team  by:Ed Sheeran

I just needed another hit.... Just ONE. MORE.

I scratched my arms as I held them across my stomach hunched over to keep warmth. The cold dark street seemed unforgiving tonight to those who wondered about at this ungodly hour. The cold air nipping at my fishnet covered legs and my bare hands that shook with each passing second. Looking left and right repeatedly for any passing cars before crossing the street I ran over towards a streetlight.

As I stood there huddled for warmth a car pulled up beside me letting down the window slowly.

Nice car..... but tinted windows.....I looked up to see a man in his supposed late thirties early forties.

"Hey.... how much for three hours?" He asked looking me up and down at what little clothing I had.

"€410.95" I mumbled as I walked up to his window resting my arms against his door leaning into the car smelling his cologne.
I smirked batting my eyelashes at him causing him to smile and unlock the door.

I hopped in and buckled up as he rolled up the window and pulling off into the barren road. What seemed like hours but only minutes to me we pulled up to a hotel that seemed almost basic. As if you needed to stay a night before hitting the road again or in my case selling my love to someone for an hour or two.....

He told me to wait in the car as he got us a room and upon leaving I pulled down the visor to look at the mirror for any smudged makeup or frizzy hair. After making sure I was looking at my best for my client I heard my door open and I looked to see him smiling and holding out his hand for me. I took it smiling as well and unbuckling the seatbelt I stood out of the car leaving him to close the door and lock it.

Walking into the warm building hand in hand we reached an elevator where he pressed the third floor button. I giggled at him and put my hand against his cheek feeling his slightly stubbled face. He gripped my hand in his and pulled me into him with his lips upon mine.

As he laced our fingers together I felt a cold metal against my finger. Breaking this kiss to lay my head against his shoulder I looked and saw that he had a marriage band around his fourth finger. I smiled sadly almost feeling bad for the woman he left at home with his possible children before the doors to the elevator opened causing the man to pull me towards the direction of our room. Pulling the keycard out he swiped it and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me in close.

Kissing me all over my neck with his lips that belonged to his beloved. Touching me with his hands that once touched another's body. I felt like I was betraying someone I didn't even know but I had to do this. I needed to. I had to get another gram. I was craving it. If I didn't get any I would go insane. I closed my eyes as he stripped me of my clothing. I could feel his eyes over my body enjoying the view that was hidden under the clothing I once had on.

"Please....." I said as I made it seem like I wanted this. All the men prior before him seemed to like it when I did this..begging for them to do what they wanted to me. He was just another man amongst the other strange men in my life who've all had their fair share of me. Selling love to another man who just wanted to have fun....

I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck before I saw a tattoo of a small angel on his neck that was covered by the shadows of the dimly lit bedroom. I looked towards the window of the outside world seeing snow lightly falling from the sky.

It's too cold for angels to fly and try to save me.... I'm already tainted beyond saving.....

"Oh god...." the man above me said as he gripped the sheets tightly.

I kept pawing at him before he finished. Laying beside me he stuck the necessary amount of bills in my hand before getting up to go to the bathroom. I continued laying there for a couple of minutes until the man walked out of the bathroom in nothing but his boxers.

I picked up all of my clothing I came in going inside the bathroom to freshen up before going home for the night. I looked at myself in the mirror seeing myself as for who I am as a person. I was crumbling. I cried silently as I wiped at the mascara running down my face.

Fifteen minutes later I walked out of the bathroom seeing the man fast asleep on the bed not even bothering to remove the sheets. I honestly hated men like that but.... it was the only way to get the money I needed.

Walking out of the hotel I took a cab and went into the "store" to grab what I needed. Afterwards I walked the short distance home paying the landlord her bill she wanted me to pay. I climbed the steps into my home pulling the jacket and heels off and quickly getting my boost ready.

I wrapped my arm in the rubber elastic before sticking the needle in my vein pushing in the sweet heaven in a needle.
I sighed in content feeling my body completely relax and my shuddering to come to a stop before falling on my back into the bed looking up at nothing. Staying stuck in my daydreams of happier times I stayed in my home slowly drifting away from this world. Where I then joined the A-Team....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2017 ⏰

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