The strength to let go

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We walk down the road, me and her. She looks at me and stumbles laughing at her own tipsiness. I look at her, love and adoration dripping from my eyes.
The words 'I love you sitting upon my lips.' I begin to speak those words. Let them out. To be known. I hesitate.

"I'm going to visit my boyfriend in Georgia." She says to break the silence.

The silence thickens for a few moments. "Your boyfriend?"

"Yes you know him."

"Who?" I asked in confusion. "Where in georgia? Atlanta?"



She took her time to answer, as if it was obvious that i should know.


My heart drops. Out of Everyone that she could have possibly been with, one of the people I despised the most.

"Why him?" I asked with slight malice mixed with disgust and confusion.

She didnt notice as she went on to explain why. She spoke only briefly but that passed as eternity. Heart broken and words unspoken we walked on. Not speaking on that topic again. Barely speaking at all. Only one knowing just how painful this walk truly was. Only one.

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