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What's up guys we are getting close to the chapter that's going to change everything!! Hope you enjoy💕

After having Kevin dead and having all the information from the bank account back the next couple of days were fun as we just messed around with each other and laughed our asses off
"AHHHHH!!!" Squealed Charlotte as Grayson was chasing her around the house
"You ruined my hair" he said finally grabbing her throwing her to the couch
"Hey it looks stylish!!" She said laughing at his bright green hair
"Rosie were you in this too??" Gray asked pissed off
"No I swear I just watched" I said trying to control my laughter
"Watch out girls because we are coming for y'all" said Ethan as his hair came out orange, they were both taking a shower at the same time but different bathrooms
"Oooh I'm scared" I said laughing
"Especially you Rosie" said Ethan pointing at me while I smiled cheekily
"Love you" I said blowing him a kiss like always
But he just flipped me off.
After the whole prank we got ready to go to our first meeting here in Chicago.
I had to get the other part of the bank that Ella gave to this man named Harry.
I was wearing a strapless black dress that was tight around my whole body that's stopped above the mid-thigh and black pumps as usual.
My hair was down and curled and I had red lipstick over my lips
"Damn you look hot" said Charlotte as I went into the living room
"Me?? Look at you" I said checking her out she was wearing a black strapless crop top that wrapped around her waist and short black jean skirt that showed of her long legs
Why isn't she a model?!?!?!?
"So the plan is to seduce Harry into thinking that he's going to have a fun night with you but before anything happens make sure he signs a paper" Grayson said handing me a paper
"Yes sir" I said grabbing it
"Damn ma" said Ethan entering the living room checking me out
"I'm not Ella" I said winking at him
"Oh I know" he said while Grayson and Charlotte looked at us in disgust
"Y'all either hate each other or want to eat each other" chuckled Charlotte
"Let's just go" said Grayson and we all walked out to the car.

I had the paper rolled up and placed in between my boobs
"You are so lucky you have boobs" said Charlotte looking at them
"What you have some too" I said looking down at them
"You're still beautiful" said Grayson looking down at her
"Grayson you say that to everyone you want to sleep with" she said rolling her eyes
"I'm speaking the truth" he said but we couldn't argue any more because we got to the meeting but this meeting was different we were at a club/bar
"Remember the plan and also remember that we will be in the corner across from yours looking at Harry's every move so don't worry about him hurting you" said Ethan looking at me straight in the eyes
"Promise" said Ethan making me feel even more safe for some reason.
I entered to club first and security walked me in all the way to Harry.
When I got near him he had girls dancing all over him as he just sat there watching
"Harry" I said with a serious tone
As his eyes landed on me he immediately pushed the girls off him
"Valencia" He said getting up coming way too close putting his arm around me
"Harry let's make this quick I need you to sign the part of the Dolans bank I signed to you back to me" I whispered into his ear
"No can do" he said pulling away
"Why not??" I pushed him down with one finger back on the seat he was sitting on
"Why do you want it back??"
"Have you noticed there isn't no good leads and barely any money in the bank account and I can only get the millions of dollars that I wasted to hack into their computers by collecting all the information and selling it to someone else with a higher price"
"Ayyy that's actually pretty smart but I actually got a good lead to Texas they have a lot of small gangs over there" he said
"But baby we can get more money" I said now sitting on him and kissing his neck

Someone please kill me.

"Oh Ella please don't do this to me" he said
"What am I doing??" I grabbed his manhood and he immediately went stiff
"The paper you need to sign is in between my breast this is the only chance you have to touch them" I winked and his eyes went wide
He went inside my dress and grabbed the rolled up part giving my boobs a little squeeze
Ughhh someone kill me!!!!
I pulled out a pen from the side of my boob and gave it to him.
He placed the paper on top of my breast and signed the paper
"Thank you I will make sure you get 10% of the money I'm going to get from selling the bank account" I said getting up and rolling up the paper
"But this means you come over my house and have fun"
"I would love to but I'm off my birth control pills and we don't want another one of you running around in the club" I said and walked off not wanting to hear his response.
I walked off outside with the security and got in the car. A couple seconds later the twins and Charlotte came in
"Girl how can you be so sexy?!?" Asked Charlotte as she buckled her self in
"It's natural because I was never like this in Texas"
"Oh yeah have you talked to Jack??" She asked and my mood immediately dropped
"No" I said
"But we should go out to party tonight I need it" I said trying to change the topic
"Driver please take us to the best nightclub in Chicago" said Grayson to the driver he nodded his head and smiled
"So today everyone get drunk, throw up in the car, get naked like back in high school days because I won't be getting drunk tonight just so y'all can have fun" said Grayson we all were in shock but happy
"Really so you mean we can actually get drunk not worrying about who will take us home??" Asked Charlotte
"Yup have fun" he said and we all gave him a high five
Let the night begin.

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