Chapter 4

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"I can't believe I did that!" Sara said as she walked towards the nurse huddled around Jamie.

"Did what?" One of the nurse asked her

Gently, she placed Daniel in his stroller, he began wailing almost immediately, "hush baby" she pleaded. "I'll be right back as soon as I take Jamie to her daddy."

"Jamie?" The nurse said

Sara nodded as she tried to coax Daniel into accepting a pacifier. "I took the man the wrong baby".

Note: sara took Daniel to Mr sterling (Barrett) instead of  Jamie.

"Oops" the woman said with a smile " I'll bet he was miffed. He might be gorgeous, but he sure is a demanding guy"

"I got a small dose of that." She sighed demanding wasn't the word she would have chosen. No, she found the man reprehensible. "I just can't believe I did something so stupid" she made her way back toward Barrett's room "are you alright?" She asked when she saw he had moved to the bed. "Do you want me to get the nurse? Mr sterling?."

"No," he answered "and please call me Rhett."

"Well, if you don't mind, I think I'll stick with Barrett. Here, this time I brought the right one. "

Sara carefully passed the baby. The transformation in the baby was incredible.

"What's wrong?" He asked, his face crumbling as strained to be heard above Jamie's pitiful cries.

"I don't know, she never do this." Sara told him.

"Is she ill?" he asked as she reached down and scooped the baby back into her arm. Jamie stopped crying immediately.

"She's fine" she promised him, hoping to relieve some of the panic she read in his expression. His apparent concern gave her cause to hope. Perhaps hr could learn to be a caring father "let's try again" they made another attempt, but Barrett was forced to content himself with touching his daughter while she was cradled in Sara's arms. "I'm sure it's just a fluke," she told him. "Jamie's a very adaptable child"

"It would appear I fared much better with Daniel" Barrett said. "Jamie seems quite taken with you."

"We're pals"  she smiled

"I'm being released tomorrow"

"That's wonderful" sara said. The information hit her like a stone. Her stomach tightened at the mere thought of handing Jamie over. How had she became so attached to this baby in such a short time?.

"Jamie is obviously very comfortable with you, are you genuinely fond of her?"

She gasped at him "of course I am."

"My home in Potomac is rather large"

"Jamie will love it, I'm sure. She likes to be on a blanket on the floor, I'm afraid my apartment has been a bit cramped. Babies requires a lot a junk."

"Why don't you relocate, if you're cramped?"

She did want to, but she does not want to admit that she was living off her saving and that one bedroom apartment, she couldn't afford anything more than that. "Having the two kids was unexpected" she said

"Perhaps, we can help each other."

Her head whipped up and she met his stare "What does that mean?" She was curious

"I need help with Jamie. She's quite taken with you."

"I ccan't do that, you know, I have Daniel with me, I can't..."

"You can take him along, till his mother recovers, if you don't mind?" He asked.

"I still can't, you have to understand" sara tried to explain.

"$200?" He stare at her "$300?"

"Are you bribing me?" That's a huge money

"Per month" he tried convincing her again.

"Wh___what?" Looking surprised.

"you in or not?" She really is in need of money right, she can't let that opportunity slip.

This man impressed her as totally incapable of giving love. He was so proper, to distant. He was also one of the most attractive men she had ever encountered. It made absolutely no sense. "Deal"

"Better" he replied smiling. Sara and Barrett tried one last time to convince Jamie to go to her father. When things appeared to be getting worse rather than better, they abandoned that plan. When their Time was up, sara held Jamie out so that he could place a kiss on her cheek. Instead of kissing his child, he simply brushed his hand over her head.

Very weird.







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