Talks of Dances

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I just wanted to thank HayleeMonroe for making the cover for this story! I love it so much!

The next note came Wednesday, two days since the first note and my reply.


This is definitely not a joke, I promise. To give you some reassurance, I am a guy. I’m a senior, like you, and I have green eyes. As for why Pride and Prejudice, I’ve seen you carrying a copy once in a while. And it’s a pretty good book, so I assumed you liked it. I hope this gives you a little more reason to trust me, and that you’ll write back. Once again, leave a reply in P and P.

                             -Your Secret Admirer

I pocketed the note, wanting to wait and show Thea before I replied. I really didn’t want this to be a joke, and I could feel my doubt lift a little every time I reread the scrawled, yet still neat, words on the paper. Shaking my head ruefully, I shouldered my backpack and made my way to Culinary Arts.

After Culinary Arts was over, I went to English and handed Thea the note without a word. She read it quickly.

“This is good! Now we can eliminate guys who don’t have green eyes,” she said excitedly.

“Right, because you know every guy’s eye color in this school,” I scoffed.

“Well, it’d be a start!”

“Why don’t we hold off on making any lists, for now. I want to know more about this guy first.”

During our free time in English, I crafted a Thea-approved response.


I guess I believe you. But it’d be even better if you would just let me know who you are.      And you’re right; I do like Pride and Prejudice. It’s one of my favorites, actually. What’s your favorite book? Movie? Color? I suppose it’s only fair if I answer too. Besides Pride and Prejudice, I love anything S.E. Hinton writes. My favorite movie is Inception, and I love the color green.


After school, Thea and I once again trekked up to the library to leave the note in the book. Thea was unusually quiet as we exited the library and made our way down to the parking lot.

“What are you thinking about? I asked as we headed to her car.

“Hmm? Oh, nothing,” she said quickly.

“You’re totally going through all of the guys in your head, aren’t you?” I guessed.

“I’m sorry! I can’t stop thinking about it! I’ll just make the list and not show it to you until you want to see it. Okay?”

I just laughed, loving my best friend’s antics.

“Fine. Have your fun with this, and I’ll look at it later.”

“Thank you! I promise this list will be the best, with all of the possible candidates,” Thea said, her mind probably already racing with the possibilities. She dropped me off at my house without staying. She’d usually stay for a while to talk with my parents or sister before leaving, but today she wanted to get started on the list.

After a quick dinner of Mac n Cheese, I heaved my backpack upstairs to my room to get my homework done. Once that was taken care of, I picked out an outfit for the next day before calling it a night.


Thea made me wait at her locker so she could be at mine when I opened it, in case the note was already there. When I swung open the door and no scrap of paper floated down, I could practically feel her disappointment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2014 ⏰

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