Chapter 7 | Red Handed

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I wanted to ditch the party right then and there.  The last thing I needed was to end up in the middle of Slater and Fiona (whatever’s going on there).  And worse—if Siobhan saw Slater and me together, she’d FLIP!  But I couldn’t just leave.  Siobhan and Ali needed me!

9 p.m.

I went round the back way and slid into the main hall, my eyes peeled for Siobhan, uncle Ciaran, and Ali.  I could just make out Siobhan through the waving arms of the dancers.  She was striking popstar poses, and Ciaran was taking sneaky shots of the sound system, the soda machine, the balcony.  Could you be ANY more obvious, guys?! 

The crazy Lotus Lady was making the rounds, bowing now and again to guests and then whispering into the ear of another sari-adorned woman.  OH NO!  Was she onto us?  Where was Ali?!

There he is.  Doing the worst moonwalk I’d EVER seen.  Right towards Celia!  I ducked through the crowd to try to warn him, but it was too late!  “Namaste,” she said and cornered him.  Ali’s eyes jumped around wildly behind his mask.  “Please do solve the mystery for us,” she said and nodded to her Yoga friend.  “Who’s hiding under that suit?”  Ali stuttered—“Em, Em, I’m...I’m Gavin.”  I held my breath.  “Gavin?” Celia asked.  “Ah,” she said, “Slater’s friend Gavin.  Of course.  Enjoy!”  She floated away.  I could hardly believe it, and by the big, cheesy grin on Ali’s face, I’d say neither could he! 

I was just going over to him when Fiona shrilled out, “You’re too tall to be Gavin from the skate park.  Who’s Gavin are you?”  Ali nearly choked.  “Um, I am...I’m Gavin the mmm,” he stammered.  “Gavin the?”  He dropped his voice an octave, “Gavin the Mysterious!”  She actually grinned up at him!  “Gavin the Mysterious,” she repeated, only slightly sarcastic.  He whipped out one of his hand penned cards and presented it to her with a flourish.  “This just has your name and a question mark.  Written in pen,” she said.  Ali fluttered a hand in front of her face.  “I’m afraid those business cards are from a different life.  Literally.”  He locked eyes with her.  “A life before time as you understand it began.”  She smirked playfully.  “But not before ballpoint pens.”  Ali smiled and withdrew a carnation deftly from his cloak.  He pressed it into her hand, smooth as you like, and she lit up.  Reaching out for Ali’s mask, she said, “I feel like I’ve met you somewhere before.”  He recoiled, then bent down to her shoulder and stared off into the crowd behind her.  When she turned to look, he showered her with a rain of glitter and slipped away!  Bravo, Gavin! 

9:20 p.m.

I made my way into the lobby where Siobhan was standing sentinel.  “I think I’m gonna head,” I told her.  “What?” she whined, “Uncle Ciaran just got here. It’s going to really get going now.”  I squinted into the dwindling crowd.  “Really?”  “OK, no,” Siobhan said.  “But I need you to cover me because that mad incense lady keeps looking over, and I really want to take a picture.”  I huffed and pulled my mask back over my face, “Yeah OK.  I’ll cover you.”  Siobhan darted into reception and started clicking away.  Coast all clear. 

But then HE appeared.  “Leaving the party so early, thought you might be Cinderella.”  I couldn’t help but smile up at him.  “The ugly step-sisters are expecting me,” I joked.  Slater smiled and leaned into me.  “Well, do you think I could get a better look at Cinder before she goes?”  He tried to pluck my mask off.  I dodged free, laughing.  “If I’m Cinderella, who are you?”  He gave me that AH-mazing smile of his.  “I could be Prince Charming.  Dún Mártain Beach style.”  “And how would THAT work exactly?” I asked.   

Now I know I should’ve totally been looking out for Siobhan, but I got completely wrapped up in the moment.  Slater’s so, I don’t know, UN-Murphy.  He’s a charmer for sure, but he’s also a bit of a goof.  I don’t think I ever laughed this much with Murphy!  He told me how he lived in a big hotel instead of a big castle and rode on a top of the line surfboard instead of in a golden carriage.  “And, hopefully,” he crooned, “after living with the ugly sisters that’ll be enough to give me a chance.” 

He leaned in, lifting the corner of my mask just enough to kiss me when—“I KNEW IT!” Celia screamed from the lobby!  Siobhan gaped at her, hands up in surrender.  “I knew we had a thief in our midst!” she howled.  “What else have you stolen?!”  She grabbed for Siobhan’s purse.  “It’s not like that!”  Siobhan said, a tad sheepish.  What was going on?!  Siobhan would never steal!  Would she???


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