Part 6 - The Wedding

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David fiddled with the collar of his shirt, tugging at the noose around his neck as he and Brina walked up to the entrance of the hotel. He was dressed in a simple black suit with a thin red tie and matching dress shoes, whereas she had worn a formal red dress which flowed down to her ankles. Brina looked elegant and composed as always, whereas David had worn the exact suit to his own wedding years ago, and having adopted the mantle of parenthood, this was starting to feel a little tight. "I hate these things; why can't people just where comfortable T-shirts to weddings? Stupid tradition." He yanked it off and began looping it around his hand. "The ceremony hasn't begun yet, so this is fine for now." 

Brina whacked his shoulder with a look of disapproval on her face. "David! This is a formal event! Besides, most of the people here recognize you: I am not about to be embarrassed by you in front of such a large crowd again. And this is the wedding of one of your best friends ever: Do I need to remind you of the samurai sword incident?" She put her hand on her hip, and performed a Laserstare at him, cocking her head and intensely staring at him. 

David blushed a bright pink, looking "Fine, fine, I'll put it on.", he said resignedly. "But to be fair, you were the one who got me that sword in the first place. You should have known better than to let me around such a sharp and unwieldy object in the first place. do you tie a tie again...?" 


"Hey Ian, congrats..." David trailed off as he noticed the frantic expression on his friend's face. After looking around in the other direction, Ian's eyes lit up as he noticed David, and rushed over, a phone and sheafs of notes in his hand. 

"David, David, Oh My God this is an absolute disaster I can't believe...", Ian panickly rambled to him, words rolling off incoherently as he was having a complete freak out. 

David held up his hands in front of him, "Slow down man. Just tell me, sentence by sentence tell me exactly what's going on. I need to be able to understand what's going on for me to help you. Just take a deep breath. Inhale, and exhale. There you go. Now, again: inhale, exhale. Awesome. Now, why are you panicking?" 

"Peter's supposed to be my best man, but I just found out he tripped on the stairs and broke his ankle. Mari just called me from the hospital, and there's no way he's going to make it back in time for the ceremony. And for some reason, our wedding planner isn't here at all, and I can't reach him for some reason. There is so much stuff missing right now, and I have no idea what to do!" Ian breathed in deeply again, "1...2...3...Ok. David, I really need your help here. Would you please help me? This is supposed to be the happiest day of my life getting married to the woman of my dreams and this...this is just a nightmare." 

"Are you sure you want me to help you here? I mean, you know that I'm totally disorganized and everything, right? Are you sure you don't want Joshua to help you instead?" David responded with an imposing shrug. 

"C'mon, David, could you please be serious here?", Ian said exasperatedly. "I asked you because you're one of my best friends, and I trust you. There's no way I'd let you do this if I didn't." 

David snatched the papers from Ian's hand without even asking. "I'm on it." 


"I don't care what whoever told you, this order sheet says that we have orders for 20 white rose bouquets, and I have the payment form and it has gone through, so those flowers better be on those tables after the ceremony or there will be a reckoning, I swear. Yes, you understand me? Good. I'm not letting anyone ruin my best friend's wedding, got it?" David hung up and sighed for what was at least the tenth time today. "Geez, I remember all these random things we had to deal with when I got married, but at least I didn't have so many things missing," he noted, muttering to himself. Just then, Ian entered the waiting room, and before he could ask, David jumped in, "So I just got off the phone with the florist, and they said the missing bouquets will be here very soon. I also got the seating plan back to what it should have been, the caterer has taken that frog leg nonsense off the menu, the wedding arch is right where it should be, and I've made sure the open bar has been fully stocked with alcohol, and not fruit smoothies. Which is great, because I'm feeling that I'll be visiting there very soon. And that...should be about it." David flashed a smile towards Ian, "So...did I do a good enough job?" 

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