Pulmonary Edema

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Sheila woke up to the sunlight that Peirce's through the curtain and blinded her early in the morning. She blinked sleepily at her digital clock; it was five in the morning. Quickly taking a shower, brushing her teeth and combing hair she went to her mirrored wardrobe and changed into her school uniform.

Students from Lilac Academy wore long-sleeved white shirts with a black coat over the top. The girls had black ribbons and short skirts while the boys had black ties and long trousers. For socks, the boys could wear anything they wanted since the trousers would have covered them; girls however, had to wear either black stockings or white socks. Sheila chose to wear black stockings. The boys had a choice of what shoes they were to wear as long as it was black and leather while the girls had to go with any type of stilettos that were black.

Sheila quickly changed into her school uniform, which she prepared the night before... Before all the events that took place, that is. She hesitated while putting her shirt on. Looking at the mirror, she hated what she saw on her back from that fateful day. The day when her family was murdered. She noticed how her dark hair, eyes and uniform highlighted her abnormal paleness.

"I look disgusting." She thought to herself. Sheila hated her appearance. Her paleness was something she hated most. No matter how long she stood in the sun, she could never get herself to be as tanned as her friends and peers.

"Sheila! It's five forty in the morning. Wake up, dear!" called Sasha, who was knocking on her bedroom door.

Sheila replaced her  displeased look with a smile and went to open the bedroom door. "Good morning, Sasha." she greeted. "how are you this morning?"

"Oh!" Sasha exclaimed, stepping back, obviously surprised. "Sheila!," she scolded, "It's still early. At this time, you should've only just woken up, not ready for school!"

Sheila simply put on what was apparently an innocent smile. "Aunt Sasha, I'm already sixteen. Surely you can expect me to be awake at this time readied?"

Sasha seemed unsure of what to say. "Ahaha," she forced a laugh, "of course. I'm sorry. Well, err... breakfast is ready, then." 

She nodded. "Thank you, though, for coming to get me," Sheila murmured as she started down the stairs.

After eating a part of her breakfast, she went to brush her teeth.

"Sheila?" her uncle called, "Shoudn't you be eating more? You still have time."

"I'm fine," She replied. "Make sure you keep your promise." Her uncle looked at her, confused. "When I get home today, tell me about those guys in black yesterday."

Her uncle's eyes shone with understanding. "O-of course. Sure......"

Quickly exiting through the front door, Sheila walked in the direction of Lilac Academy. "See you later, Sasha, Uncle."

Sheila enjoyed walks; they settled her thoughts. "Sheila! Sheila, wait up!" cried a voice.

Sheila turned around to find her friend, Alexie Meiy, running.

"Jeez! You walk too quickly!" she complained.

"I apologize," Sheila said, rather apathetic. "Shouldn't you still be at home at this time?"

Alexie giggled and slung her arm over Sheila's shoulder, leaning on her slightly. "True, but I knew you would leave the house early, as usual.lets walk together, by the way, why didn't you answer any of my calls?!" 

Sheila sighed and gave her friend a sidelong glance. "What do you mean, Lexi?" Lexi was the nickname Sheila gave to Alexie when they were little.

Alexie pouted. "Last night, I called you, like, a million times!" She waved her one free hand dramatically.

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