Chapters 16-18

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Copyright (C) 2012 Jenna Elizabeth Johnson

All Rights Reserved

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Naturally, I was depressed all that week.  Tully and Robyn asked me constantly what was wrong, but I merely shrugged and mumbled some lame excuse.  They told me that I’d been acting strange for weeks and insisted I tell them what was bothering me.

“Is it some guy?” Robyn asked as she sucked the last of her soda through a neon bendy straw.

I drew in a breath then shook my head.  Well, yes and no, I thought to myself.  I couldn’t tell them everything I knew even if I wanted to.  I wasn’t the only one involved at that point and even if I was, they would finally see me as everyone else did: a freak.

Okay guys, do you really want to hear the truth?  I’m not human after all.  Nope, I’m Faelorehn, from the Otherworld.  Immortal.  Remember that huge raven that tried to kill me?  Yeah, it was from the Otherworld too, and apparently I’m some freakish, demon-god half-breed that may or may not inadvertently destroy the structure of the Otherworld, so you might want to keep your distance in case any other rogue faelah are after me.  Oh, and you were right about the guy.  He’s the one who told me all of this, but it doesn’t matter, because he is perfect and has the most amazing eyes and he might die any day now trying to keep all these Otherworldly creepy crawlers away from me.

I didn’t say it out loud of course.  No, I didn’t have the guts to, and Tully and Robyn wouldn’t believe me anyway.  But thinking about Cade made me suddenly miserable and embarrassed at the same time.  He must think I’m a huge threat and a complete waste of time.  My cheeks started to warm as I recalled how foolish I had acted around him.

Robyn smacked me in the back and laughed, “I knew it!”

“Robyn!” Tully growled, “Can’t you see she’s depressed?”

I blinked up at them, confused.  My internal tirade had sapped my attention for the last minute or two.  Then I remembered what Robyn had asked me before and my blush deepened.  They wanted to know about Cade.

“Oh, sorry,” Robyn said.  She crumpled her can and chucked it into the nearest recycling bin.  “Wanna talk about it?”

I gave her a glare and shook my head.  That was Robyn’s way of saying, ‘Please give me the details!’

“Oh, come on, it will make you feel better,” she insisted, patting me this time instead of smacking me.

“No, really, it isn’t what you think,” I blurted.  Liar.  It was exactly what she thought.  Sort of.  I was miserable because I liked a boy and he didn’t like me back.  Ugh, that was a lie too.  If only it were that simple.

“Is it someone who goes to school here?”  Robyn grimaced as she said it, knowing how we both felt about the boys at our high school.

“Robyn, she doesn’t want to talk.  Remember what happened the last time we bugged her about one of her crushes?”

Despite my focus on the downward spiral my life had become, I cringed at the memory.  It had been in junior high and the boy of my dreams had been inconveniently walking by when I blurted his name out as my secret crush to my pestering friends.  I tried to fake illness for the rest of the week, but Mom would have nothing of it.  The weeks that followed had been some of the worst of my life.  I had a bad feeling that one of these days I would end up looking back and laughing at how insignificant they were, but I had an even nastier feeling that worse situations loomed ahead.  The bell announcing the end of lunch rang and I was brought back to the present.

Faelorehn - Book One of the Otherworld TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now