Chapter Eight:

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Ruka (1)

We were all walking up a hill, Aang's smile never escaping his lips. Once we reached the end, Aang extended his arms out. "The Earth Kingdom City of Omashu."

I looked ahead and it was amazing. Sokka, Katara, and I had our mouths hanged open. "I used to come here to visit my friend Bumi."

"Wow," Katara said. "We don't have cities like this in the South Pole."

"They have buildings here that don't melt." Sokka said mesmorized. "And I'm not freezing my butt off right now." I added.

"Well let's go slow pokes." Aang said. "The real fun is inside." Aang jumped up but before he could go any further, Katara stopped him. "Wait Aang! It could be dangerous if people find out your the avatar."

"You need a disguise." Sokka said. "So what am I supposed to do? Grow a mustache?" Aang raised a brow. I gave a mischievous smile, "I think I've got an idea. Come up here Aang, let's fix you up."

He jumped back up and I told him to take a seat on the rock beside us while I walked over to Appa. "Hope you don't mind buddy."

I pulled off chunks of shedding fur from Appa and handed it over to Sokka and Katara. Once I felt like it was enough, I walked over to Aang with my two siblings.

I grabbed some fur from Sokka and made into a hat shape. To tie it together, I used some rope. I put it on Aang's head and it looked like long old man hair.

I grabbed some more from Katara and stuffed it up Aang's nostrils. When I finished, the whole thing covered Aang's mouth. "There! Grandpa Bonzoo is looking quite the charmer for his old age." I put my hands on my hips, impressed at what I've created.

"Ugh, this so itchy." Aang put his hands in his "hair/hat" to scratch himself. He looked to Appa, "how do you live in this stuff?" Appa just looked at him and blew out air through his nose.

"Great!" Sokka smiled. "Now you look just like my grandfather."

"Technically, Aang is a hundred and twelve years old." Katara looked over to him. Aang picked up his staff with his foot and caught it with his hand. He slouched over, and used it as a cane. "Now let's get to skippin' young whipper snappers. The big city awaits!" Aang said, making his voice sound old. He started to walk funny and I laughed when he scratched his bum.

We walked up the path that led to the city walls. Trust me when I say it was a long walk.

"You guys are gonna love Omashu." Aang said. "The people here are the friendliest in the world."

"Cabbages?!" We looked ahead and three guards were yelling at a middle aged man with a small wagon of cabbages behind him. "What kind of slum do you think this is?!" The man in the middle yelled. He smashed the cabbage that was in his hands, knocked the one out of the middle aged man's hands then earth bent the wagon up in the air, going over the path and landing into doom.

The middle aged man looked over, "No! My cabbages!"

"Poor cabbage guy." I frowned to Sokka.

"Just keep smiling." Aang said, continuing to walk forward. Sokka, Katara, and I had looked to each other with nervous grins.

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