That day

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2. That day


Nicolle's POV

No, I hadn't. I hadn't. Or had I? No,no,no,no. He said, next Monday. Not this Monday.  Right? Shit, I don´t know. 

I remembered as soon as the blaring horn of a truck sounds near my house. 

It was for today.

My eyes flew open to reveal me my now obscure bedroom. I quickly step out of bed and turned on the lamp on the bedside table. My backpack lied on the floor and I grabbed it.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit,"I muttered.

As soon as I grabbed my notebook, I turned it to the last page. 

In there, I had scribbled: Define components of cell, brief paragraphs about them. Plants and animals.

 "Shit, shit, shit, shit," how could I've forgotten? Well at least I have 5 minutes until-

My alarm clock started to buzz- Whatever.

I took my textbook and began searching for the needed page while putting any random t-shirt. Then my jeans. By that time, I was half way the cytoplasm paragraph. I went to the kitchen (with book on hand) and ate what it tasted like a bowl of soggy cornflakes and milk.

My mum came in and hugged me from my back in a very surprising (yet scaring-to-death) way.

"Good morning! How is my precious little birthday girl doing?"

Oh right. Did I mentioned that my birthday was today? No? Well, it was.

I usually don´t get over exited about this, and this was no exception. Though I was very happy and everything and I don't know why I was lacking of a smile back then; given the concequences thanks to my dysfuncional memory when it came to homework, I was showing no emotions at all.

"Uh, hi mum. I'm finishing some homework." 

"Okay, I won't disturb you," she kissed me on the forehead and added, "Want some pankakes?"

"Not really mum, I'm in a hurry." It is weird that my mum hadn´t said  anything to me about doing my homework at the last minute, but I guess it is just because of my birthday.

Lucky me.

My whole morning was a rush and I barely ate anything, whithout mentioning that  the only proper thing I did was brushing my teeth because I didn't wanted to spill my copybook with water or something.

I didn't even knew what I was wearing, though I didn't care at all.

Hurrying to the door, I shouted, "bye everyone!" behind my back and then I stepped outside.

 Michael, there he was,with his usual leather jacket and the jeans that gave him that badass image. And, in his hands, he had this mini cupcake with a blue lighten candle on the center of it. It looked so ackward seeing him like this, in a rude appearence, yet waiting for her best-friend at the door of her house with a cupcake on hand which make it completely adorable and cute. Vulnerable I guess. I smiled.

"So how you doin' badass?" I asked, blowing the candle.

"Just greeting my best friend for her birthday," he said with a smile plastered on his face, "You know," he ponted at the candle," You should've made a wish before blowing it."

I pushed him gently, he was just messing with me.

"Okay, okay. I won't bother you in you birthday," he said between chuckles.

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