Annika Rechim

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Annika Rechim was what you would call...well, a slut. She was no genious, despite her grades, because she was sleeping with the male teachers.

Of course we have it all on tape at Rita's house, where we were watching it.

Annika and our 45 year old History teacher, Mr. Ablom were at it again.

"That's like kissing your dad," Rita yelped, disturbed at the playback.

I made a copy of the tape, and told Rita I'd see her tomorrow. Rita was very happy to turn off the monitor.


When I got to school the next day, I put on rubber latex gloves, and slipped into the tech room. I found the morning announcements disc for today, and wrote "Wednesday, September 7" on my disc, and took the actual morning announcements and set it on fire in the field, where nobody could see me.

When I got back to homeroom, it was 7:50, and the announcements were to start in 5 minutes.

Jason, a creepy guy who liked me, headed over to my desk, "Hey, Vendetta. You're looking hot as usual."

"Oh, hi, Jacob." I said, trying to keep the bile in my throat from rising.

"Want to go out tonight? The cinema?" He asked, smirking, and running a hand up my leg.

I slapped his hand, and the announcements began.

"Give it to me!" moaned the TV, and I recognized Annika's voice.

The class began to laugh, and there were a few guys with their eyes glued to the screen.

I crossed my legs, and pulled out Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell.

You're screwed, Annika.

Pun intended.

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