Prologue - Sweet and not so Sweet Beginings

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Prologue - Sweet and not so Sweet Beginings


When the return of Voltron was no more than a whisper in the wind Brynn and Pantheon crossed paths however their story starts far before that. A short time in the future in a galaxy disturbingly close by Brynn Fallon found herself becoming the official ambassador for her people, Phasia. It was well known for the fact that it wasn't a planet but a rather a large spacecraft based highly off that of Cloud City.

The big difference was that the city could produce it's own atmosphere. Phasia prospered as a place of learning and aliens and people of all species flocked to the city to learn and grow. More often than not people came to band together to build projects or go on adventures.

Brynn couldn't have been happier. She loved her city dearly and being the daughter of the current head administrator, it was only natural for her to take a position of authority, being ambassador and spokeswoman fit her perfectly. The girl had a knack for languages and knowledge of Galatic history and etiquette.

It was only when the fear of Galra invasion did true need for a treaty arise. Most every let Phasia be knowing it's cultural importance and happily made a treaty or a pact with the city. If only the Galra were that kind.


Pantheon was terrified of the druids. He hated them almost as much as his father and his brother. The only comfort in his life was his pet. The beast, who Pantheon called Luciel, was the only being Pantheon enjoyed to spend time with. The hound like beast was constantly by his master's side.

The druids were there almost as constantly as Luciel. Ever watching, guarding the young Galrin royal. Pantheon could barely even breath outside of the druids presence because they were around him so much. When he was finally alone Pantheon could finally breath.

Also during those few moments in which Pantheon was away from the druids, he heard things. Heard things that contradicted his father's teachings, things that went against the druids, and things that began to give the young boy hope. Hope that he had a choice in life. 

Pantheon latched onto the stories that the maids and servants told. The boy could only hope and wait, wishing for a way out of a life that he really wanted nothing to do with. Pantheon didn't like being a Galran Royal and all he wanted to do was be a normal boy, what ever that would be, and play with Luciel.

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