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The path of life is not smooth,

But its outlook seems so fair;

Even though underneath its tainted

Its always the outlook that wins the dare.

                    You are longing for something,

                    But the obstacles in your path –

                    Are the heart and the brain;

                    Running against each other like racing trains.

Your mind will go for something,

Your heart yearns for another,

But they will never overcome –

Their differences to come together.

                  Some say “listen to your heart”

                  Others say “listen to your brain”,

                  But you don’t know what to do;

                  Causing you to go through a hell lot of pain.

Once you have listened to your heart,

Others will say “you should have listened to your brain”

But how do we understand which side to take?

And how to keep ourselves sane?

                   All the decisions we take in our life,

                    Are always filling us with regret

                    How to take a stand in life that,

                    Do not compel us to migrate?

When your heart yearns for something-

Your brain gives you a straight no,

When  your brain tells you something

Your heart asks “what will happen so”?

  That is why I say, life is a rough path,

  From infant to childhood,

  From teenage to adulthood,

 You go on and on regretting your past.                    

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