Tips To Be A Better Writer!

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This is a list of few things that will make good writing, GREAT!

1. Never underestimate the power of spelling correctly.

Spelling correctly can make your stories or poems more easily comprehended. Take the extra time to copy and paste your works into a word document and click "check spelling".

 2. A vast vocabulary can make a world of difference!

Words can paint the most beautiful, gory, intense pictures. By using a thesaurus, you can expand your vocabulary and make your stories that much more descriptive and powerful.

3. Good grammar can make or break a good story.

By using correct puctuation, capitalization, etc. your story can be easier to read and comprehend. This will make readers continue to covet your story and keep reading it. Poor grammar can make a story difficult to read and turn readers away.

4. Stories needn't be rushed. 

Don't try to rush through a story. Take your time, slow down, and intrigue your readers. If a story is rushed and undescriptive then it won't be as entertaining. If a story isn't entertaining then you will lose your readers interest.

5. Just because it's 2012 doesn't mean that writing in "Text Speak" is appropriate.

Saying things like "Idk" "Lol" "Rofl" in a story is not suitable for a story. I realize that this is a technology based generation, this is not an excuse to write a story like this: "idk i think he likz u 2."

Hope this helped! If you have any questions feel free to send me a message! Happy writing!

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