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Heyyy does anyone still follow this? If so I am so so sorry oh my gosh. So... a lot of stuff happened after made this. I'd go into detail but the first half involves personal stuff. The second half is that I moved, got a new phone, lost the story, and in short was so thrown off that I completely forgot about this story. If anyone sees this and would like me to continue, I will gladly continue/rewrite this story for you since I remember most of the plot! Thank you and again I am so so so so so sorry.

I was not expecting feedback so quickly! I now feel obligated to update, haha. I'll start looking through this and will try to continue it as soon as possible. Hopefully it won't take two years! ;)

Edit 2:

Alright, the cover has been redrawn. I'm going to start figuring out how to continue this story now, stay tuned!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2017 ⏰

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