Coming Over

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"Please. If you have a weird family I will accept them I mean have you seen mine." My friend and I pleaded to Grace.

"I don't know. I will let you know when I'm not busy I guess." She said while rolling her eyes but, I could see that she was hiding something from us. So I decided to just let it go.

"At least you didn't say no." I say trying to make it less awkward. We all laugh. Then we head off to lunch. My friend(Austin) goes off and sits with his popular friends.

"Fine!" She yells quietly after just a minute of silence.

"Wait, really? We will have so much fun. I would judge to quickly. Well no I wouldn't judge at all. When?" I ask eagerly. She laughs I realize how stupid I sounded and so I joined in.

"Um... Friday after school. We can go to the park across from my house. I kinda just want it to be me and you if that's okay" she saying blushing and looking down, "well I mean he can come to if you want him to. I mean it doesn--" She said and I cut her off by laughing. "What's so funny?" She asks in a hurt manner. I feel bad but, then I realize she was joking the voice. Yet, the back of my head was asking me 'was it a joke or did you hurt her?'

"I would love if it was just us." I announced smiling up at her. She smiled back. "Maybe I can even try to teach you how to skateboard. I mean it will be really hard but, I can try." She punches me slightly. The day goes by normal and so does Thursday.

I get home from school on Friday and ran to my room to get ready. I don't know what to wear. Oh my gosh I sounded like a girl. I look in the mirror after putting on jeans and a Zero Skateboards shirt. Which is always where I bought my skateboard at. I think I choose the right outfit and I get ready to walk towards the door with my two skateboard, one for Grace. "Ahh honey you look so handsome." My mom saying interrupting my chain of thought about Grace.

"Thanks mom. Now can we get going." I ask after rolling my eyes.

"Yes. Awe my baby is all grow up." She says smiling and I just roll my eyes. We get in the car and head toward Grace's house which she texted me the address to on Wednesday. I told Austin that I was doing this and he was proud of me. He is odd but, the best friend I could ask for. Well besides Grace, well I want her to be more than just a friend. Yet, I love what we have right now. So we arrive at the scene and it is a neighborhood with huge houses. Like three-story and four-story houses. I only have a one-story house and a basement. Well we arrive at her house and she is sitting outside she gets up when our car parks in her driveway. I notice her huge four-story house but, what is more noticeable is how gorgeous she looks. She was wearing black skinny jeans with rips in them, a black tank top and a flannel around her waist. No matter what she wears she always looks gorgeous. Today, she looks amazing and with her straighten hair and no makeup. I get out of the car and say bye to my mom and I walk over to Grace. My mom drives and and Grace hugs me. We always do this as friends.

"You look great today. Very great." I say and she blushes and smiles from ear to ear looking down.

"Well had to dress up like a skater sense you are going to teach me how to skateboard. You look good yourself ready to teach me?" She asked walking me away from her house. Yet I kinda wanted to see her house and hang out there a bit. "You okay?" She asked after a while of staring at each other.

"Yeah of course. Do you wanna hang around your house for a bit?" I ask. As soon as I asked her that I regretted it because, her smiled turned to a frown and I thought I saw a tear sparkle in her eye.

"Can we not right now. I really don't want to be at home right now. I need some fresh air." She said trying to convince me. Yet, I didn't believe her not for a second but, I smile and said yeah that's cool. So we go off down to the park. So I show her the basics of skateboard. It takes her a bit but, she gets them down. She is really good at learning. We both skate around the skate park playing around, skateboarding, racing, laughing, talking, and falling having lots of fun. Then four hours passed by. It was now seven thirty. My phone buzzes and it's a text from my mom it said, if you want you can stay the night with her just let me know. Love you honey. I text her back, love you to and will do and put my phone in my pocket.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask Grace who is sitting down on a park bench with tears down her face very fast. I was very worried about her. I walk over and sit next to her. As I do she outs her head into her hands as I hear he soft cries. I don't know what to do honestly. All I know to do is, just sit there and be with her.

She looks up and response, "do I look okay?" She looks away.

"No, maybe I can help." I say as she turns to me with her now red-tented eyes. "Do u drink?" She shakes her head no. "Do you want a beer?" She shakes her head yes. "Okay, here." I say handing her one. We drink in silence. I always drink beer when I am stressed. Lately, I have had to drink more than one to help me. She wraps her arms around me and cries into my shoulder. At first I tighten up but, then I relax and hold her.

"Thanks, it kinda helps." She says scouching over and standing up. I stand up to. She smiles and grabs my hands and starts to walk me to somewhere. I get a worry look across my face and she notices. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." With that I began to smile and so does she but, she stops it before it makes it.

"So, where are we going?" I wonder.

"You want to know why I was crying right?" I nod furiously.
"Okay then, do you trust me?" I nod again. She finally smiles.

Sorry it took me like 100000 years to upload this, but I'm gonna update again tomorrow. Honestly no one probably cares at this point but you know I still will.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2018 ⏰

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