Chapter 1: Out The Window

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Lucy's POV:

"Ugh those two are fighting again!" Erza groaned. "When will they grow up!" She said as she slammed her fist against the bar.

"They'll never be real men!" Elfman remarked with a grin.

Natsu and Gray NEVER stop fighting! Sometimes it annoys me but sometimes I can't help but laugh.

"MY BELOVED GRAY!!!" Juvia shreaked as she watched the fight from behind a post. "Oh Juvia," I said, "I feel bad for her." I added.

"I don't!" said Mira with a smile. "At least she knows who her true love is! I wish I knew," she said looking off to the side in a daze.

"And you will, someday!" I said as I smiled at Mira. "I believe everyone has a true love, they just haven't realized who it is yet." I added.

"Is that suppose to be a hint?" Mira said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"That you like someone from the guild! You said you just haven't realized it yet, not that you haven't found them!"

"That is not what I meant!" I replied. Mira just winked at me then walked away. But before she was gone she turned around, "You know, you and Natsu would make a great couple!" She remarked as she walked away.

My cheeks were bright red. I tried to protest but she was already gone. I can't like Natsu! He's my partner and more importantly my friend! But now that I think about it, I can see Mira's point. WAIT! WHAT AM I EVEN THINKING!? NATSU AND I!? NO WAY! I was lost in thought.

"Hey Luce! So, what were you talking about?" Natsu asked as he draped his arm around my shoulder. I screamed and almost fell off my stool as I came back to reality.

"WHAT!? Oh...umm...that was nothing." I said, trying to recover from the heart attack I just endured.

"Ookkkaaayyy," Natsu replied. "You want to look for a job? It'll be fun!" he said, while nudging my arm. I just smiled at him. He has nice eyes, and I love the way his nose crinckles up when he smiles...

"Hello? Earthland to Lucy?" He said, once again bringing me back to reality.

"Oh sorry, I was lost in thought!" I answered.

"What were you thinking about?" he asked. "Or are you going to say nothing, again. You know, I can tell when something's up. I'm your best friend!" he said triumphantly, giving me a smile.

"No, it really is nothing," I said, as I smiled at the ground. "Oh, and about the job. I'm actually having a 'sleepover' with Levy tonight, but we can do a job tomorrow!"

"Aww, you're having a sleepover and you didn't invite me!?" he asked, while grinning. "I am your best friend!"

"YOU SNEAK INTO MY HOUSE WHEN I DON'T INVITE YOU! WHY WOULD I INVITE YOU TO A SLEEPOVER WITH LEVY!?!?" I remarked, with a laugh. "Plus, I want it to be just Levy and I tonight. We have a lot to talk about."

"Okay just stay safe!" Natsu added, before walking off. He was so sweet and kind to me. OH, NO! I'M GETTING THESE FEELINGS AGAIN! Oh, no. I have a crush on Natsu. NATSU OF ALL PEOPLE! I have to tell Levy. She'll know what to do. I thought, as I walked out of the guild hall. I needed to get ready for the sleepover!

Natsu's POV:

As I walked away from Lucy, I decided I had to find out what was bothering her. I just have to! As she walked out of the guild, the sun hit her beautiful blond hair and made it glow. I wish I could tell her how I feel, but I am afraid she'd reject me.

"Why are you staring at Lucy?" Gray said with a smirk,

"He LOOOOVES her!" Happy chimed in,

"No I don't! Stop! She's my best friend, I can't be in love with her!" I lied. "Anyways, even if I did, she would never like me back." I added looking down.

"Aww, Flame brain's going to cry!" Gray remarked.

"THAT'S IT!" I yelled as I started to fight him. Anything to distract me from my feelings.

I had to help her, I'll go over later and see what's up. I thought to myself.

Lucy's POV:

I heard a knock on the door and knew it was Levy. What would she think of me! I have a "thing" for Natsu, I have for a while but I didn't want to admit it.

"Hey Levy!"

"Hi Luce, you ready to have FUN!" Levy grinned.

She put her stuff down then came and sat on the bed where I was.

"So how's it going?" Levy asked, I knew I had to tell her but I didn't want to. I needed to or I would go insane.

"Well...actually..." I said nervously.

"What is it Lucy, you know you can tell me anything." Levy said with a caring smile.

"Well... I kinda have a crush on someone from the guild." I blurted out, I didn't know how else to say it.

"REALLY!?!? WHO!?!?" Levy said with pure excitement.


"Come on, you can tell me!" Levy said, "I promise I won't tell anyone!"

"Okay." I took a deep breath, "...Natsu" I whispered.


"SHHHH!!! What if someone hears you!" I said

"Oh, come on Luce! Who's going to hear me!''

That's when I heard the worst thing I could have heard in that moment.

"Yeah Lucy who's going to hear her!?" Happy said as he poked his stupid little head out from under my bed.

"HAPPY!!!" I yelled in pure anger.

"I gotta go tell Natsu something...bye!" He said with a wink as he flew out the window.

"HAPPY!" I screamed as I jumped out of the window and grabbed his tail, now in the air 20 feet of the ground.



"You wouldn't!" Happy said looking worried.

"Oh yes I would!" I said angrily.

"Okay, okay, you win!" he said.

Then the worst thing happened, I lost my grip! I started to fall! Happy was so shocked that he didn't fly to get me. Luckily someone was there to catch me, Natsu. He ran when he saw me falling and caught me one arm under my legs and the other supporting my upper body. My arms naturally landed around his neck.

"You just love jumping out of windows don't you!" (reference to the episode where Lucy gets kidnapped!)

"Only when you're there to catch me." I replied with a smile.

"I'll always be there to catch you, I promise!"

Our faces were inches apart, we just stared at each other until I broke the silence. "Hey Natsu..." I said.

"Yes?" Natsu asked,

" can put me down now." I answered, with a grin.

"Oh sorry!" He said as he put me down. He was blushing and scratching the back of his head. "I have to get back to the guild." Natsu added.

"Oh, well goodnight Natsu!" I said as I pulled him in for a hug. I don't know why I did, it just...felt right.

After he left I went back upstairs to my apartment and had already forgotten about Levy. When I walked in she was sitting on the bed with a huge smile.

"Aww!! That was adorable!!" Levy remarked. I started to blush.

"Shut up!" I said smiling at the ground. Wow! I really like him, don't I.

Natsu's POV:

The walk home from Lucy's house was one full of thought. Did she like me? What did she want to keep Happy from telling me? Why did she jump out her window!? Questions like these were flooding into my brain. When I got to my dorm and put my head on my pillow I tried to think of something else but all I could think of was Lucy.

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