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I’m going to follow my dreams no matter where they take me

I would be crazy not to

Oh ya don’t give up 

You do what you do what you put your mind to oh ya

Im going to follow my dreams No matter where they take me

I put myself in their hands

Look who’s not afraid anymore

I don’t want to hide

I want to be out there

Im going crazy

Fighting for my dreams

This what I want to be doing

Oh yeah

You can see it’s written on my face

Im going to follow my dreams no matter where they take me

I would be crazy not to

Oh ya don’t give up

You have to give a hundred percent to even get a little back.

I need to do this oh im not giving up

I can’t sit back anymore and wish I had done this.

I am driven to follow my dreams 

What can I do

There is so much I need to learn

But I will follow my dreams no matter where they take me

I won’t give up on them

No I won’t choose another path

Im following my dreams

Oh I won’t turn back

Following my dreams oh yeah I’m going to catch where are

Just watch and see

My dreams

Oh my dreams.

DreamsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora