Mates II

572 15 3

Sorry for the wait, enjoy!

Somewhere in Clover...

Sting- Ahhnn~ Mating Season.

Rogue- You seem less exited.

Sting- Yeah... I'm not too keen on who to choose.

Rogue- Eh?

Sting- What do you mean 'Eh?' 

Rogue- Who said you were going to choose your mate?

Sting- What do you mean?

Rogue- Teme,... What I mean is that on July 7th some other power will bring us to our mates, we'll have to wait.

Sting- Eh?, why wasn't I informed of this?!

Rogue- you were, but you were dozing off just like Natsu.

Sting- We met?

Rogue- ...Yes we did, all of us dragon slayers met.

Sting- Mmm...Okay...But whe-

Lucy- Sting!! Rogue!! OUTTA THE WAY!!!

Sting- Lucy?! Wait what!-

Rogue- Sting! Lu! ((XD))

Lucy- Owww....Sting? HUH!?!
*see's Sting on top of her*

Sting- Holy crap! *stands up* Ummm....sorry.

Lucy- No, I'm sorry.

Sting- What are you doing here in Clover?

Rogue- Yeah... and in a maid outfit.

Lucy- Oh, I'm still in my stardress form. *changes back*

Sting- I see.

Lucy- Mirajane was chasing me because I told her to butt out of our conversation.

Rogue- Nice move.

Lucy- Yeah I know.... And I'm In CLOVER!?!

Sting- Yeah, sooo it seems you'll be staying in clover for the time being.

Lucy- Seems so...

Rogue- Make yourself at home, okay?

Lucy- Mhm, thanks! :)

*The three of them walk to Sabertooth with a certain blonde looking at a blondie while they walk*

???- Don't get to close Sting... She's mine and my mate.


Sorry for such a long wait I was getting ready for school that's starting up soon.

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