Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two: Checking Fences

Wednesday morning dawned bright and beautiful and for that Nick was damned thankful. He was also thankful that Liz had understood his request for he and Aiden to have patrol duty for the day, even though she hadn't planned on having anyone patrolling.

Nick was desperate to have a day alone with Aiden. A day when he could hold his hand, touch his face, kiss his brow and not have to worry about being stabbed in the back while he did so. While Nick knew that Liz and Brody had accepted them he still didn't figure that they'd appreciate the displays of affection and he knew the other hands wouldn't—sure it wasn't fair but it was a fact of life and one that Nick was okay with just so long as he and Aiden could stay together and safe.

Nick knew however that peace probably wouldn't last—once enough people in town found out about them or Aiden's parents received their letter and discovered their killers had failed—peace would be gone. Nick wanted to seize the hell out of what down time they had.

Nick walked up to Cookie who handed him a plate of watery eggs and charred sausage, "Thanks," Nick said with a grin.

"Well you sure are happy this morning," Cookie winked.

Nick thought of the man who was just now rousing himself from sleep inside the bunkhouse and nodded, "I am happy, Cookie. Finally."

"Well it's about damn time," Cookie stated. "I knew it when y'all first came striding up to the bunkhouse together that you were meant to be. Remember I told ya that when it happened I wanted everyone to remember I called it."

Nick tipped his head in acknowledgment toward the old man, "You did call it, Cookie. From what I hear you have a talent for that kind of thing."

Cookie waved his hand with a snort, "I just pick up on things is all."

Nick was raising a dripping forkful of eggs to his mouth when suddenly he was shoved from behind and his plate went clattering to the dirt as he stumbled forward and nearly fell into the cook fire before catching himself on the edge of Cookie's supply wagon.

"Sorry about that, Nick," Burt sneered and Nick turned slowly to glare at the man. "I'm so darn clumsy sometimes."

Nick clenched his fists and rose up straight, towering a good six inches above the other man, "That's alright, Burt, just so long as you work hard to make sure it don't happen again."

Burt laughed and a few of the other hands chuckled as well, "Sure."

Nick gave the other man his back and stooped down to pick up his fallen plate and fork. "What happened?" Aiden's voice questioned.

Cookie opened his mouth to speak but Nick shoved his plate into his chest and gave a nearly indistinguishable shake of his head, "I was clumsy," Nick replied as he turned and smiled at Aiden, "Dropped my plate right in the dirt."

Aiden frowned as he looked at Burt who was laughing and nudging another hand. Nick realized that most of the hands were either ignoring the situation or had already walked away. Only Burt and three other men were still standing there chuckling.

"I'll make you another plate, Nick," Cookie offered as he turned toward the large skillet of eggs and reached for a clean plate.

"That's alright, Cookie, I gotta get some stuff around," Nick replied as he held up his hand. He turned his gaze to Aiden once again and felt his body ache with the urge to hug him good morning. Aiden looked good this morning. Having those men dead and gone had clearly done wonders for the man. His brown eyes no longer held any trace of their past fear or sadness and his cheeks had good color. His shoulders weren't slumped or weighted down with worry and he had a smile on his lean face.

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