The Teyrn's Daughter

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Alistair had to adjust his eyes to the light; the snowed forest was gone now, and he was in what looked like a big bright city, with a golden glow that reminded him of the deep roads. The city was filled with people dancing, walking hand by hand, frolicking. He recognized some as Orlesians, even in death they wore those ridiculous masks. He looked at his reflection on a mirror nearby, and he noticed he was now wearing a suit of armor... not just any suit of armour, Cailan's armour. He died wearing his warden armour, the one he found in Vigil's Keep- Mahariel wanted it, but it was too heavy for her- at least Cailan's armour was comfortable.

Andraste, or the woman claiming to be her- he still wasn't very sure- took him to a big temple-like structure, filled to the brim with people sitting wherever they could or standing up like they were waiting for someone.

"This is where I leave you, I'm afraid" she said, patting his shoulder " I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for" she started walking away, then turned around briefly "You don't need an armour here, you know?" she smiled at him one last time and disappeared into the crowd.

He shifted on the balls of his feet, looking around nervously; what was he supposed to do now? Should he take a seat? Maybe he could ask someone what to do next. He was lost in those thoughts when someone crashed into him; his armor made a racket, and everyone turned around to look at him disapprovingly. He hurried to take a look at the person who had graciously fallen onto his arms; he was ready to make a sarcastic comment about it, but was left without words when he looked into her eyes- maker, she was a very pretty-  there was something about her, a certain glow, maybe the way she stood, her smile perhaps? that made her incredibly attractive to him. She was wearing light armor- maybe she had been a soldier at Ostagar? He recognized plenty of faces from there in that room, but not her- he was sure he'd remember her if he'd met her, no doubt about it.

"Are you ok?" she asked him, half smirking

"I'm dead, I don't think I can actually be hurt, can I? Can we? Be hurt, I mean? I'm kind of new here" he was flustered and talking too much. He chastised himself mentally- it's just a pretty girl, keep calm.

"I meant, mentally- you looked a little confused for a second there. I'm sorry I bumped into you, I'm having a hard time myself" she shifted inside her armor

"Did you... I mean, were you at Ostagar?"

"I never made it there" he could see a shadow of sorrow all over her face, pain.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pried"

"It's ok... At least it's over now, huh? My family is finally safe, in a way" she sighed, then laughed half-heartedly "I'm Isobel Cousland, by the way- and you are?"

"I'm a grey warden, I mean, I'm Alistair- a grey warden. Grey warden Alistair" he was tripping with his own tongue.

"Did you die at Ostagar? Were you with Cailan? Did you... see my brother? He was there, but I haven't found him here yet" she looked worried; he felt an urge to hold her and tell her everything would be alright. He didn't do it, of course- they'd just met.

"Cousland... wait, are you Teyrn's Cousland daughter?" she nodded "Your brother wasn't at Ostagar when... Loghain betrayed all of us. He was away, lucky, really- if he went down, it wasn't at Ostagar, at least"

"He won't think of himself as lucky, I assure you that- Howe killed his son, his wife... mother, father" she closed her eyes "and me" she cleared her throat as she opened them back "He's all alone now, and he lost Highever"

"Rendon Howe is dead, if it makes you feel any better- I killed him myself, as a matter of fact, and made sure he was well dead" he smiled tentatively "He did a lot more than just murder you and your family, which was terrible by the way, horrible" he added quickly "he killed a lot of people too, and tried to kill a bunch more. That man was sick" he made a face as he remembered his torture chambers in Denerim. The world was a better place without him.

"Well, I'm glad that worked out well at least" she gave him a sad smile "If I ever see him here, I'll make sure to make him pay for the rest of his eternity"

"I'd be glad to help- just say the word and we'll... well... I have no idea, but we'll figure it out" he smiled at her, hoping to make her feel better. She smiled back.

"Since my family's not here today" she sighed "And it seems we're stuck in this place, at least for a while- do you want to get a drink?" she offered- he felt a little giddy; he nodded, enthusiastically.

"Of course- where do you recommend? I'm kind of new here, you see" he joked

"Yes, you said that" she chuckled "I know just the place- and once we get there, I want to hear all about the famed grey wardens"  she said, making a deep voice. He laughed with her, flexing his arms comically.

As they walked, he decided he already liked this girl. Too bad they were dead- he wished... well, either way, nothing would've ever happened if they'd met when they were alive. She was the daughter of a Teyrn- the most powerful one in all Ferelden, at that- only second to the royal family. He would've never had a chance, a poor grey warden bastard? Deep down, a small part of him, was a little glad to have found himself there- dead. He was suddenly looking forward to eternity. But for now, drinks with that beautiful- and funny - woman was more than enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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