Chapter 3: I Am Safe

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I breathe in the fresh summer air and, as I lie on the beach, I wonder. I wonder many things. It's embarrassing how going crazy got rid of everything I knew. Honestly, I just can't remember where I grew up, or how old I am (sometimes), or where I went to school. I don't know what my favorite food or animal or color is.

And so, I squeeze my eyes shut and I try to gather my thoughts. I finally think I know that my favorite animal is a whale when I hear someone- or something - behind me.

I jump to my feet immediately and my eyes fly open. I know it's a person when I see the figure, but my vision's still distorted. And, to be more embarrassing, I fall backwards into the sand.

"Annie?" The voice asks.

"Finnick? Is it you?"

He laughs. "Yes, it's me."

"Good. I thought you were...someone else."

Finally, I can see. Finnick helps me to my feet and pulls me into a hug. I re-close my eyes. Yep, my favorite animal is definitely a whale.

"What're you doing here?" I ask, and I don't purposely make my confusion crystal-clear.

He holds up a basket. "You forget about our picnic in our spot today?" He asks, but by his tone, he's not angry.

"Yes, I'm sorry," I admit. "I forget everything."

Finnick stares right into my eyes. Now he can't lie to me, if he's looking in them. It was our deal. "No, you don't."

I smile. "Okay. Can we still have a picnic?" I ask hopefully, and smile into his sea-green eyes, just like mine.

"Yes, we may," He says, and holds out his free hand for me. I take it and we start walking.

"Yay," I reply, happy to be doing something normal after my Victory Tour. Finnick and I have developed a normal relationship and I fall more in love with him every day. I know what he's doing in the Capitol, and I know it's not his fault. I could still leave him, because he's cheating on me.

Despite that, I love him, and love knows no bounds, even with our hectic lives that started the day our names were called for the reaping.

When we arrive at 'our place', a small area of woods with a small clearing next to the beach, we immediately begin to do things. I offer to set up the firewood for our campfire tonight, but Finnick insists he do it.

I shrug, "Okay."

So, instead, as Finnick gathers the wood, I set up the blanket and beautifully scented candles-vanilla, my favorite- and the food. He brought everything. Some of these are probably my favorites, but I don't even know.

"What are my favorite foods?" I ask.

"Hmm, lets see. . ." He begins, and thinks for only a moment. "You love vegetables, but you won't eat seafood or anything that I get from District Ten. Apples are your favorites, though. You devour the yogurt in my fridge, but that's okay. Oh, and pineapple."

Reluctantly, I ask, "I really like fruits and vegetables?"


"So, that's why you brought so many?"

He smiles. "Yes."

"Thank you," I say, and smile back. He walks over and brushes the hair out of my face, like he always does because he knows how happy it makes me. And it makes him happy to make me happy. "You're so very welcome." Then he leans in and kisses me lightly on the lips before getting back to work on the firewood.

I clear out the basket after setting up everything and I realize something. "Finnick, did you remember to bring matches?"

The smiling face that was just looking at me falls and I laugh because it's funnier than anything he usually does.

He pats all his pocket and lights up, thinking he might've found it. But when he pulls it out, it's just an empty box.

"Crap," He says. I put my hands on my hips and grin, which makes him put his finger in the air, as if to say hold on. "It's okay," He says with a note of superiority. "I can make fires on my own!"

I'm not convinced, but I'm so foolishly happy. "And where did you learn how to do that?" I ask.

"In the aren-" He stops short, and I start taking deep breathes, trying to ward away the memories.

Finnick is by my side immediately, holding me in my arms. "Annie, it's okay," he whispers. "You're safe."

Annie Cresta: 70th Hunger GamesWhere stories live. Discover now