ii. birthday

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a week has gone by and i'm still in the same booth, in the same coffee shop, doing research. i prefer to not be in the dorms for work because of how rowdy people are and the amount of interruptions there can be, especially with my party animal of a roommate who spends days god knows where and only comes back to sleep every once in a while.

i take a sip from my coffee and noticed that liam was in line but niall was nowhere to be seen. he's here alone, maybe i can make a move.

i stand up, fix my shirt and my hair a little and start walking towards him, then i stopped when i noticed that he was on the phone. crap. i'm such an idiot. i walk back to my booth in disappointment and concentrate on my paper. maybe some other time i'll talk to him.

maybe it's because i was so focused on my paper that i didn't realize that someone was standing right next to me calling for my attention, until i felt a tap on my shoulder which made me jump and have a mini heart attack.

it was liam. he apologized for startling me and i said it was fine. he asked if he could sit and i nodded yes.

there's one question that's in my mind right now: why did he come over here? of course i asked him, my curiosity got the best of me. liam explained that niall had to leave on an emergency because his mom got hospitalized and couldn't make it back for liam's birthday, so niall suggested to make some friends. starting with the kid who fell at the coffee shop, me.

i look at him, now i'm known as the kid who fell in the coffee shop, great. liam laughs. gosh, i never thought a laugh could he so beautiful. why is he so perfect.

he asked how old i was, i told him i was 19, which in fact is my actual age so no lies there. he looked at me with a face that made me wonder what was going through his head.

liam stood up and asked if it was fine if we go out and celebrate his birthday. i of course said yes and immediately packed my things and stood up along with him. we walked out and went the opposite direction of the bus stop. never done that before.

later that evening, we get out of my dorm and we go to the frat house niall stays at. never been to one of these before, heard great things happen at these kind of parties.

liam keeps getting drunk happy birthdays and his picture taken by people who he doesn't even know. it's quite funny actually, you just see him awkwardly smiling in the photo. but hey, it's his birthday.

we go upstairs into niall's room. liam says that he sometimes comes in here when he needs to escape while niall is in class.

i wasn't paying much attention after that because all i could focus on were the way liam's lips move, the way he his fair is perfectly pushed back, the occasional flexing his arms do when he moves his arms, what was underneath those pants.....

crap, i did fall for this guy.

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