*Where To Go

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Coming back to the house I figured I was going have to get a car. Now I know what your thinking, take one of those nice, expensive cars but they all probably have trackers and considering my age I needed to find a rag tag place and get something not to banged up but cheap. I found a place on his last laptop and searched up car dealerships. I found a off-grid type one and headed there in the same car I had left in to go to the pawn shop. About 25 minutes of driving like I was on a obstacle course, slowly but surely I made it to the dealership called Murphy's and Sons Car Dealer. I decided on Camry but did not know how to go about it. Luckily since I had the 4,000 in cash he let me by it off his hands only having to sign some minor paperwork that I made sure to read carefully. I then went and showered, washed my clothes, and then searched jobs in the area. 

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