April 2, 2014 ~ Love?

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Love makes the world go round

Ha sure. Okay I have dated only two guys. The only thing is i'm really good with understanding guys. I always give my friends the advice. Recently, people have thought that me and my best guy friend were dating or should date. Like no joke. They are always saying stuff like "I ship it." or " Hey make sure you ask her out"

My problem is that, yes sure I like him like 5%. But, everyone always says I like love him. Love is a strong word, so here is my thoughts about love

~Love? Why Love?~

The first guy I dated lasted for about.. one week. He turned in to a complete butt. The second guy I was dating though, we lasted for Five Months. Now with this guy. Its all a different ball park. I constantly here people describe me and him as Soulmates or Perfect Lovers. <--- Love. I hate that word. That's why were here.

I have never truly felt this so called "Love" Its a foreign feeling to me. I have never thought about running up to a guy or having that "Love at first sight" moment. Why describe me and him as love? To me love is that one feeling you truly only get once. With that one special person that everyone always hopes to find. I have never looked at one person and thought "That's the person I love." Never have I felt that way about someone.

Even though I told the guy I dated for five months I loved him. Yea, sure I did. But not how people describe about me and A (Its easy to type this..) Yes sure, If he did ask me out I would say yes. But I haven't felt that special connection known as Love.

Its very crazy to think I could feel like that about something, I only feel something like that when someone says something really..really nice to me... Like how A and I were talking about our eye colors. Mine is green. I was saying how I sometimes be insecure about the color if its not "green" enough. He said to me " Your eye color is gorgeous." That sent a tingle threw my body and I felt.. happy.

Love is kinda scary if you think about it too much.. like I always do...  Love is described as the most spectacular, indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone. That's scares me. Caring about something so much that you are willing to do..anything.  That really scares me.

*Caution How I Met Your Mother spoiler alert*

So what if I don't have that one feeling of instant love like how Barney in How I Met Your Mother felt after going threw a divorce with Robin. Then picking up his baby mamas daughter Ellie.The instant and powerful connection where I just wanna say "You are the love of my life. Everything I have and everything I am is yours. Forever." The very thought of finding that one person brings me tears.

*No more Spoilers!*

Its crazy to think ill meet one person that I just.. can't live without. I love that feeling I get when someone says something sweet to me. It just brings tears to me to think. "Hey what if I have already met that person.. maybe just maybe. Or what if I never do.." Im crying just writing this..

It's crazy how much just talking about this changes me. I love the feeling you get when you know " This is the person I love." or " This person if amazing and I may just love him." That's to good to be true.

We choose those we like; with those we love, we have no say in the matter. ~Mignon McLaughlin

And with that I say. I never got this whole "In love" thing. Don't think I ever will.


Hope you enjoyed. Im note writing a story or anything. Im just writing my thoughts for people to read. Hope I didn't spoil H.I.M.Y.M for anyone :)


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2014 ⏰

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