Mood Swings

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You and Kai have been trapped in the prison world for a while. Kai gets mood swings a lot and u always back down but today u said something.

2nd POV
You were sitting on your counter doing you makeup when Kai walks in and looks at all you stuff

"What's this?" Kai asks

"That is my mascara." You say as u take it away to apply some onto your eyelashes.

"I didn't know u out that stuff on. No wonder you so ugly!"Kai jokes

"Oh shut up!" You say as u punch his arm.

"Will u do mine next?!?" Kai begged

"Yea here get on the counter." You hop off as he hops on.

Kai sits on the edge of the bathroom counter while u stand in between his legs and apply a full face of makeup making sure he doesn't see his reflection until you are done.

When your done Kai turns and looks in the mirror and laughs. All of a sudden his bright smile turns into a irritated/sad glare he looks at u and says.

"Take it off."

You do what he asks u grab the makeup wipes and rub the makeup off of his skin. He hops off of the counter and you accidentally stand in his way.

"Move fucking idiot!!" He shouts

"Jesus Christ do u always have to ruin a perfect moment with ur pissy attitude!!??" You shout at him as he walks down the hall.

"I wish u never came here I would rather suffer this hell alone than with ur dumb ass. All u do is eat my food and take my space!!"He rudely reponds turning to face toward you from the other end of the hall.

"Do u even know why in her Kai?" You shout back tears brimming in your eyes.

There was a quiet moment.

"Because I tried to save you." You say barley above a whisper.

"Because try as I might I can't stop thinking about you. Evey time I hear you name or your voice butterfly's hit my stomach like a Bus. Because I think I love you.........but I guess u don't feel the same." you say as the tears flow down your eyes.

"Y/n i......was all he could push out before you inturupted him.

"Just save it its not like u care anyways"

" Thats the thing y/n if I care u will leave me just Like everyone else.... Just like my family. He says leaning his back against the wall.

"Where the hell do u think I am gonna go" you respond with a sniffled laugh.

You walk to him and sit by him.

"I'm sorry y/n" Kai says
"I do really like you..... Like really really like mabey even love......

You inturupted Kai's sentence by crushing your lips onto his.

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