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Hope you guys enjoy this story. Let me know what you think!!

Death. It takes away the most innocent people at the worst times. My mother being one of those people. She was the most loving and caring women I've ever met but she was taken away. I no longer see her wavey brown hair which matches mine. I no longer feel her warm touch when she hugs me. I no longer hear her soft words as she encourages me to do my best. I will never have the chance to tell her I love her ever again.
It's been 2 days since her funeral in Ireland, where I live... well used to live. My father came to the funeral, he thinks it's best for me to stay with him for a while back in England. My mother and father divorced but maintained a healthy friendship for my wellbeing. So now I'm here in England, living with my father in a city known as Liverpool. It's quite beautiful if I say so myself, but I'm going but miss Ireland. And everyone there.
I'm Ellie, I'm 17 years old an I live with my father now as you now know that my mother is dead. It's the end of August and I have to start a new school in 2 days, it's a mixed gender school, Bosco. I used to have friends over here, but it's been years since I seen them.
I doubt anyone will remember who I am around here. My own dad barely recognised me when he seen me, but it's been 3 years so who can blame him. Wow. The last time I slept in this bedroom I was 14, I've changed so much since then.
"Ellie, dinners ready!" My dads voice brought me out of my thoughts.
"Okay, I'll be right down... dad" I hesitated calling him dad, but I don't know why. Maybe because it's been so long.
I ran down the wooden staircase to find my father sat at the table, which had the food set out on it, waiting for me to join him. I sat down and we began to eat. We had small talk during the time we were eating, which has now been interrupted by my fathers phone ringing.
"Hello?" He answered
"Omg really?"
"Okay, I'll be down there in ten"
"Alright mate, drive safe"
"Will do, bye, bye"
He placed his phone down onto the table, and looked up at me.
"There's been an animal attack up in Norris Green, some type of wolf. The body's out in the open!" My face fell at his words. An animal attack. Out in the open. A wolf. A body. I began feeling a little faint but tried not to show it.
"I... I need to get down there. Do you mind?" He looked up at me and I shook my head "no dad it's fine, please go. Get down there but please just be safe." I looked at him and he gave me a reassuring nod "always am!" He shouted grabbing his jacket and leaving the house.
What a day! First day back in Liverpool and there's an animal attack. Right near my new school. Well what a year this will be.
What do you guys think? I need feedback! I need more ideas! What do you think will happen when Ellie starts school? Chapter #2 coming soon 😱😬😬🤥

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2017 ⏰

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