2. Of Haste and Desperation

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  The Bowser!

  Images of the grotesque monster decimating troops and troops of both Humans and the Natives filled their mind.  While his repulsive stench managed to disarm the weak-hearted, his strength and brawn proved too much for the bravest of the warriors.  He was so infamous that no one even dared to lie or spread false rumors in an attempt to manipulate the fear of the masses - a habit most of the nobles developed so alike it almost seemed hereditary.

  "This is bad. Really bad!", Luigi spoke up in a trembling voice.  When the chances of winning are really thin and the stakes are too high, people often break down under the mental pressure and act on pure impulse.  But seeing the calmer one of the brothers react this way to the news even shocked the Advisor himself.

  "We need to refine our weapons, stock up some food, withdraw the savings, refine the weapons..."  Luigi ranted on.

  After recovering from the initial shock, Mario quietly placed a hand on his shoulder, effectively stopping him.  Luigi stared back at his brother, his wide eyes and heavy breathing remarking that he was beginning to hyperventilate.  Mario remained patient though, continuously staring directly into his eyes, trying to communicate without words.  

  When he somewhat calmed down, Mario turned his back to the Advisor, heading for the gate.  His expressions masked beneath the cap and the moustache.

  "Let's go Luigi, we have some long planning to do.", he commanded.

  Quietly following his brother, Luigi tried to process all that had transpired these weeks.  First the rumors were spread about the Princess' disappearance, but no one believed it to be true.  But then again, who would be stupid enough to believe in them right away?

  Just as they neared the gate, the Advisor called them back. "Oh wait, I forgot to give this to you!".

  Both brothers waited impatiently while he rummaged through the table and took out a brown box from the inside and brought it to them.

  "Just a little something to help you guys out.", the Advisor handed Mario the box, his eyes shining with a wicked glint.

  Mario snatched the box with a grunt, and clicked open the lock.  A glance at the contents inside and Mario now sported a big devillish grin.  Luigi wanted to know what was that about too, so he took the box from him.  He showed the same reaction.

  "This little something is going to help us out a lot.  Let's go Lu, we have some serious preparations to do."  Mario called out to him, exiting the place without even thanking the Advisor.

  And it was truly helpful too, because the whole balance of the two kingdoms depended on the things inside.  Kept in that brown box was not a nuclear weapon, or any weapon for that matter.  It was something far more useful and destructive if used properly.

  Yellow Steroid Mushrooms.

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