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amber, we need to talk

amber 😶

you finally want to get back together? i want to hear an apology

no, we are not getting back together

amber 😶

then what do you want?
you're wasting my time

i want to you to leave andi alone

amber 😶

and why should i do that?

because it's the right thing to do

amber 😶

when have i ever done the right thing?

good point
but i don't see why you need to keep bothering andi

amber 😶

jonah beck, you are stupid
i like you and she broke us apart
why should i leave her alone?
she never left you alone, she stole your heart from me, but i know now it never belonged to me
you never liked me

i did like you, but not anymore


stop jonah
you thought you like me, maybe you even liked the idea of having a girlfriend, you used me

i didn't use you


you were never invested in getting to know me, you always talked about andi, made everything about her and now you have her
don't you get it? you never wanted me, you thought you did, but you didn't

amber, stop
i never used you


no jonah, you stop
you manipulate everyone, i hope andi realizes that before you date
you've used her already, who else are you going to use?

i don't use people


keep telling yourself that
i hope you come to realize that i am still hurting over the fact that you dumped me for you to go straight to another girl
and thank you jonah for being the worst boyfriend known to mankind



Hello limb owners!!! 😎 how are you??? i hope you're are doing great 💞  i have had so many headaches ugh 😭 question: should i have like rant/status book? 😼comment below 😸 also, if you haven't checked out my other text book (hot n cold) please go give it a chance 🌈 thank you for everything 💞

-candy eater

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