The Story of Melody Greene

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The Story of Melody Greene 


If you were told that you had betray your best friend in order to save the world, would you do it? Possibly? Okay, but what if you had to kill this said friend in order to save billions of lives and you were the only one who could do it, would you do it then? No?

I did.

I’ve started this all wrong let me try again.

Long, long ago a prophecy was told that a child born of fire and raised in the shadows would rise from the ashes and save the world from a horrific destruction. This child would have to perform terrifying acts starting with a betrayal.

Is it starting to make sense yet? No? I’ll carry on then.

There was all another prophecy but it conflicted with the last. A child born with the fire of dragons would rise to the top and bring her race to power and burn the rest to ashes. 

Both are very different. My prophecy was the first and I had to stop the second from coming true, only I didn’t know this until it was almost too late, but in the end I saved the day but I had to commit actions that I regret deeply.

Truth be told that I am so disgusted with myself that I have hidden, away from the world. I must contain the monster unleashed in side, I will do no more harm. It’s confusing right? So let me start from the beginning where the second prophecy starts off, mine comes into play a lot later but what I didn’t know was that it had started a long time before, at my very birth. But lets not get into that now.

I’ll start it when I was in my third year at Edwards Academy of Gifted students, it was a cover to keep a species that the rest of the world no longer wanted to know exited, safe. We were the Gifted, yes that is what we are called, you are humans and we are the gifted.

Oh and where are my manners, my name is Melody Greene.

Any way, on with the story…

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