
4 0 0

Started: 7/14/2017

Last Edited: 7/14/2017

*Any prompts not by me are credited*

She collects stones. But when one started to crack, she knew she'd grabbed something else.

"I'm sorry, look it's not so bad, we'll just- wait, what are you doing? PUT THE POSTION DOWN I SAID SORRY!"

"You're supposed to stir the potion gently, NOT BEAT IT INTO THE NEXT DIMENSION put down the spoon, i'll show you how it's done!"

I was supposed to rescue the princess, but it seems she doesn't want to leave her tower and keeps throwing books at me when I try to go near her. I can't go back without her. Now what?

If only you had known your dog could talk, maybe then you wouldn't have tried to...

A wizard shows up at your door, demanding you go on a quest with him, but you're not leaving until you finish the third book of your favorite series. But, he isn't so patient...

Animals aren't the only thing your friend can shapeshift into.

You have a secret power... who ever you kill, you get their best trait.

Have your own prompt idea? Post it below and I'll add it to the page.

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