The Flea and the Acrobat pt 2

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Song – It's my Party by Lesley Gore


Lee's POV

As I walked back to my car I heard Jonathan call my name. "Marilee!"he said, as I turned around I saw him walking toward me. "Hey um I was just on my way to the uh thing"I said.

"Uh yeah I'm not going"he said, "I don't blame you, honestly I didn't want to come"I said fiddling with my keys. "Not because I don't care about Will or you it's actually quite the opposite"I said. His face lit up a bit and a small smile grew on his face, mine too.

"What you said to Hopper, about Will being alive, did you mean it?"he asked. Great so the whole town thinks I'm borderline crazy and depressed. "Look Its like he told me, It wasn't real it was just my minds way of coping with what happened" I gestured with my hand to my head as lied. I don't want Johnny mixed up in this and getting hurt.

"We both know that's not true"he said getting a bit frustrated. "Me, The Cops and half the town were in the woods looking for both of you at night and during the day, if you were just lost in the woods we would have found you or some trace of one of you but we didn't, because you were somewhere else, weren't you?"he said.

"I don't know where we were"I said truthfully, "I just know that he's all alone there and that's my fault and I'm going to do everything in my power to get him back"I said. "me and Nancy are meeting in the woods later to shoot do you want to come?"he asked.

"Wheeler? You replaced me already"I said jokingly, he chuckled and replied "you know uh her friend Barbra?"he asked. "Yeah, she's nice"I said "why?"I ask "that thing that took you and Will took her too and when Nancy went back to look for her she saw it"He answered.

He noticed I looked sad, "I uh don't- I'm gonna stay with Mike and the boys they need me more than you do"I said, "Marilee"Johnny said as I got in my car, "we haven't been able to really talk since Hopper found you at the lake"he said as I started the car.

I sighed "there's nothing to talk about"I said, "you can't hold everything in all the time, you'll explode"he said sounding concerned "I'll pore my heart out after Will is home safe"I said before driving off to the Wheelers. 

I parked next to Mr. wheelers car and got out and walked to the back door which El opened for me. After I sat down Mike explained to me and El what Mr. Clarke had told them. "It would take a lot of energy to build a gate like this."Mike said after sticking a pencil through the piece of paper that was in his hand.

"That's got to be what happened, otherwise how'd Will get there, right?"mike said looking at El, "right"el said looking surprised. "What we want to know is do you know where the gate is?"Lucas asked as I noticed Dustin looking at a compass confused.

El shook her head no and Lucas asked "than how do you know about the Upside Down." El looked down and didn't answer and mike looked at Lucas shrugging his shoulders. We all then looked at Dustin who was walking back and forth and in circles.

"Dustin. What are you doing? Dustin!"Mike said as Dustin continued to walk in a circle, "Dustin!"Lucas said "Dustin!?"Mike and Lucas both said which finally caught his attention.

"I need to see your compasses"Dustin said, "what?"Mike asked confused "your compasses! All of your compasses right now!"he said. Lucas ran home to get his and mike ran up stairs to get his, I went out to my truck and got mine out of my glove compartment.

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