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I'll Always Be By Your Side

After that Sunday when Jimin spent the whole day with Jungkook, the following days returned to average days. They were uneventful but Jimin could say the days were better. Better because Jungkook was back and also was their everyday meet up at the diner. It was a routine Jimin didn't want to be cut off and if it did, it would make him feel like there was something wrong with his life. Like things didn't add up.

But their conversations only consisted of random and trivial topics, it never really went to the serious stuff. Jimin thought of bringing it up to Jungkook again but chances of getting the answers were slim.

Jungkook wasn't evading though. He just had plans in his mind. He wanted them to be in the right place, at the 
right time. Jimin should save his questions for that.

And that right time did arrive in another Sunday where Jimin had nothing else to do which was perfect. Jungkook had asked him a few days prior, to meet him at a certain place. He made sure Jimin would have time to prepare. Because it was to the Waterfall of Eternity and Jimin needed to be mentally prepared. This invitation meant his eyes would be opened and his questions would be answered.

Being alone as he travelled to the place was a bit boring to the immortal but along the way, he realized that it was the perfect time to think about the things he would want to know. There were too many of them.

It took him a day to finally set foot on the exact place. He had his leave just for this but he didn't mind because being clarified of everything that happened in his life was more important than his job.

He walked the familiar and unchanged forest that was already sending nostalgic memories into his brain. He remembered he walked this path with his classmates, everyone complaining about the dirt and the bugs. Who could've known he would be trudging through this forest again after decades? The sound of rippling water signified he was getting close to the waterfall and after passing by a few more trees and stepping on a few more twigs, the view welcomed his tired eyes. Its resplendence had Jimin admitting to himself that his body regained energy just by looking at it.

But something made it way so special, rather, someone made the view more breathtaking than it already was. There stood Jungkook over a rock formation adjacent to the pool. He donned a white cassock and a white bunny smile which tugged on Jimin's heart. Jungkook's exquisite form almost hypnotized Jimin who dragged his feet towards him.

And now they were face to face. 
"Is that how you really look like?" Jimin asked with his eyes twinkling as they roamed freely all over Jungkook's appearance. He never had seen someone so pure and fair but there was Jungkook, so flawless in that cassock. 

Jimin wasn't expecting an answer so it was a shocker to hear Jungkook talk back. "Not really. I just wore this so you'd get a glimpse of my true form."
Jimin's small eyes went wide.
"Jungkook. You talked. How about the demons?" Jimin started to become anxious of a possible demonic attack. The angel laughed in such a lovely way that caused Jimin's heart to swell. It was such an honor and a delight to hear Jungkook's voice once again. It was superb. Jungkook perhaps was a heavenly singer? Jimin wondered.

But the latter remembered hearing Jungkook singing to him so he would stop thrashing around his bed that one night they slept together.

His voice soothed him that night. This angel's voice touched his soul and calmed his nerves. Thank God Jungkook was there when even in Jimin's dreams, Yoongi was leaving him.

He really was an angel sent from above.

"I'm safe around divine places like this waterfall." 
Jimin was too amazed to speak so he just gave the angel a courtly nod.

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